Can you learn SPSS for free?

Can you learn SPSS for free?

This free course, Getting started with SPSS, takes a step-by-step approach to statistics software through seven interactive activities. No statistics software is needed.

How do you calculate items in SPSS?

Using the Compute Variables Dialog Window

  1. Click Transform > Compute Variable.
  2. In the Target Variable area, type a name for the new variable that will be computed; let’s call the new variable any_yes.
  3. In the Numeric Expression box, enter the expression.
  4. Click OK to complete the computation.

How do you do discriminant analysis in SPSS?

Steps of conducting Discriminant analysis (DA)

  1. From the menu, click on Analyze -> Classify -> Discrimiant…
  2. In the appearance window, move DV (grouping variable) into Grouping Variable: -> hit Define Range… -> specify lowest and highest values of grouping -> Continue.

What is discriminant analysis in SPSS?

Linear discriminant function analysis (i.e., discriminant analysis) performs a multivariate test of differences between groups. In addition, discriminant analysis is used to determine the minimum number of dimensions needed to describe these differences.

How do I calculate percentage in SPSS?

Quick Steps

  1. Click on Analyze -> Descriptive Statistics -> Frequencies.
  2. Drag and drop the variable for which you wish to calculate the percentile(s) into the box on the right.
  3. Click the Statistics button.
  4. Select the Percentile(s) option, type the percentile value into its textbox, and then click the Add button.

How do you calculate hit ratio on a server?

How to Calculate a Hit Ratio To calculate a hit ratio, divide the number of cache hits with the sum of the number of cache hits, and the number of cache misses. For example, if you have 51 cache hits and three misses over a period of time, then that would mean you would divide 51 by 54.

How do you calculate hit to miss ratio?

For example, if you have 51 cache hits and three misses over a period of time, then that would mean you would divide 51 by 54. The result would be a hit ratio of 0.944. You can also choose to express this as a percentage by multiplying the end result by 100.

How to calculate the probability of hit rate and false alarm?

The problem I have is that some of the subjects have hit rate of 1 and/or false alarm rate of 0, which makes the probabilities 100% and 0%, respectively. The formula for d primeis d’ = z(H) – z(F), where z(H)and z(F)are the z transforms of hit rate and false alarm, respectively.

How do you calculate the Z transform of hit rate?

The formula for d primeis d’ = z(H) – z(F), where z(H)and z(F)are the z transforms of hit rate and false alarm, respectively. To calculate the z transform, I use the Excel function NORMSINV(i.e., z(H)=NORMSINV(hit rate)). However, if the hit rate or false alarm rate is 1 or 0, respectively, the function returns an error.


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