Can you metal detect in Europe?

Can you metal detect in Europe?

As a matter of fact, England takes first place in Europe, followed by Poland and France, in terms of the number of hobbyists involved in metal detecting.

Why is it illegal to use a metal detector in France?

Presented as an inoffensive hobby that is motivated by the interest for past and history, metal detecting represents an invisible danger for heritage. Since the passage of a 1989 law, it is prohibited in France without having an official authorization.

Can you metal detect in Greece?

He said he was unaware that Greek law prohibits people from using metal detectors without a permit. The legislation states that ancient artefacts must be protected.

Can you metal detect in France?

In France, metal detectors are only allowed to be used for scientific research, but in Dutch-speaking Flanders they can be used for personal searches. The coins were legally declared as the finder’s property.

Where can I metal detect without permission UK?

By the way, in the UK don’t need a licence to use a metal detector, but there are laws about their use. Using a metal detector is illegal on private land without permission from the owner. It is also illegal on a scheduled ancient monument or in an area of archaeological importance.

Is metal detecting legal in Italy?

While it is not illegal to purchase a metal detector in Italy, there are strict rules on where and what you can metal detect. There are also many historical and protected archaeological areas where metal detecting is forbidden altogether.

Is it illegal to metal detect in Ireland?

It is against the law to engage in general searches for archaeological objects in Ireland using a metal detecting device unless you have received written consent from the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht. To do so without such consent places you at risk of prosecution.

Can you metal detect on Omaha Beach?

You need to ask for a permit to use a metal dtector, in theory. People often do. On Omaha beach you’d be wasting your time as it was cleaned by sifting to 3ft deep.

Can you metal detect in Mexico?

Metal detecting in Mexico is permitted/legal, as stated in the federal civil code. You can metal detect on Mexican beaches regardless if it’s a resort or not. However, it is illegal (off-limits) to be metal detecting in any area designated by the Mexican government as an archaeological zone.

Can I metal detect in Woods UK?

You must obtain permission from the landowner before using a metal detector. This includes land to which the public have rights of access such as beaches, footpaths, or council-owned land. Under UK law there is no such thing as “finders keepers”.

Can I metal detect at the beach?

You can metal detect both in the water and on the shore, depending on what type of metal detector you have. Specific detecting techniques will improve your chances of finding valuable items on the beach. Some metal detectors are better than others when it comes to beach metal detecting.

Can I take a metal detector to Mexico?

After speaking to a metal detector store owner in Mexico, he relayed and suggested that it is “legal” to take metal detectors in/out of Mexico. The only catch is if you find relics, they must be declared so as not to violate any antiquities act.

Where can I go metal detecting in Europe?

Metal detecting WWII battlefields In many places in Europe, there are areas, well suited for this type of treasure hunt. It can be battlefields, barracks, beaches, roads or almost anywhere. Wherever war and people have been, they have left behind metal objects that can now be found with a metal detector.

Are there any WW2 sites for metal detecting?

Metal detecting WW2 sites A particular category of metal detecting is metal detecting WWII sites for relics from the Second World War. For many, it is one of the most exciting areas of metal detecting. World War II is not too far back in time, so many of the items are still in good condition.

What is the biggest metal detector ever found?

17 Biggest Metal Detector Finds In History (Life Changing Discoveries) 1 The Mojave Nugget. Image Source. It’s only fitting that the largest gold nugget ever found in the United States comes first in this list. It’s what we 2 The Boot of Cortez. 3 The Hand of Faith. 4 Crosby Garret Helmet. 5 Ringlemere Gold Cup.

Where can I find metal detecting treasure hunting stories? has a special website section dedicated to noteworthy metal detecting finds. Everyone is welcome to submit real treasure hunting stories with photos of their metal detecting finds. Then, readers vote on their favorites—and the best finds win prizes.


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