Can you soak your feet in blue Listerine?
Can you soak your feet in blue Listerine?
Fill the tub with Listerine along with two parts of warm water. You will need enough to cover your entire feet. Instead of water, you can also mix in equal portions of white vinegar. This type of vinegar is thought to get rid of fungus because of its high levels of acidity.
Does soaking your feet in Listerine really work?
Listerine is designed to use in the mouth, which normally has much more sensitive skin than the feet. So, while there is no research directly assessing whether it is safe to use as a foot scrub, there is no reason to think it is dangerous.
Does Listerine help nail fungus?
The herbal oils in Listerine, such as thymol and eucalyptol, have antifungal activity. Many readers have found that it can help fight nail fungus. The alcohol in regular Listerine (26.9 percent) might be the culprit in drying your nails.
How do you do a Listerine pedicure at home?
First, the full recipe: Mix equal parts Listerine, vinegar, and water, and soak your feet for 15 minutes. Then wipe your feet with a washcloth and, bam, smooth heels. Dry skin and calluses come right off.
Are there any benefits to soaking your feet in Listerine?
Listerine foot soak: What proponents promise. Proponents suggest that Listerine may help to eliminate foot fungus and get rid of dry skin. Dry, cracked skin on the feet can be impossible to eliminate. Moisturizers do little to help, and walking on dry skin tends to make it worse.
Does the Listerine foot soak really work?
Why the Listerine Foot Soak Doesn’t Work. To be blunt, there are no known keratolytic ingredients in Listerine, or most other mouth washes. Listerine does contain menthol , which has demonstrated a propensity in easing pain from muscle contractions (International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy).
How long should I soak my feet in vinegar?
Mix two parts water with one part vinegar in a bowl and soak your feet for 15 minutes.
How do I soak my feet in vinegar?
Toenail Fungus. Pour 1 cup of white distilled vinegar into a plastic basin. Add 2 cups of water to the basin.