Can you spear pike in Minnesota?

Can you spear pike in Minnesota?

Darkhouse Spearing Northern Pike in Minnesota In Minnesota, both state residents and non-residents are allowed to spearfish in a darkhouse. You can spearfish and use regular angling techniques; and there’s nothing like angling in a darkhouse.

How do you spear fish on ice?

Start the really big hole with at least four little holes from augers. Connect the holes with an ice saw. If you don’t have an ice saw, you can use a large ice chisel, or spud. One method is to auger a lot of holes right next to each other and use a spud to dislodge the connecting chunks of ice.

Is spearing legal in Minnesota?

Generally, spearing is limited to rough fish such as sucker. But spearing on the ice for northern pike is allowed from mid-November to the last Sunday in February. Minnesota has three northern pike zones and regulations vary depending on where you’re spearing.

How many pike can you spear in MN?

two pike
Spearers can take two pike but only one may be larger than 26 inches.

Can you spear pike?

At a bare minimum, darkhouse spearfishing involves cutting a large rectangular hole through ice on a frozen lake, placing a darkened shelter over the hole and spearing fish as they swim by. Most states that allow this type of fishing only permit the spearing of northern pike and rough fish (carp, suckers, bullhead).

Do you need a license to spearfish in Minnesota?

Residents age 18 to 89 and nonresidents age 18 and older need a dark house spearing license and an angling license. Youth age 16 and 17 need an angling license but do not need a dark house spearing license. You cannot use artificial light to attract fish while spearing.

What fish can you spearfish in Minnesota?

Species allowed. Only rough fish, catfish, lake whitefish, and northern pike may be taken by spearing.

What is spearing in snow?

Much like Wisconsin sturgeon spearing, pike spearing consists of cutting a hole in the ice and placing a tent or shanty over the hole. The structure is called a “Darkhouse” due to the fact that it has no windows. A decoy is placed in the water to attract predator fish such as northern pike.

What is spearing in winter?

Spearing holes are usually made by drilling four smaller holes – one in each corner of the rectangle – with an ice auger and then either chiseling or sawing the ice to connect the corners. You can purchase specialized ice saws. Rather than sawing, some spearers simply drill more holes to connect the corner holes.

Do you need a special license to spear in MN?

Residents age 18 to 89 and nonresidents age 18 and older need a dark house spearing license and an angling license. Youth age 16 and 17 need an angling license but do not need a dark house spearing license. You cannot use artificial light to attract fish while spearing. Party fishing does not apply to spearing.

Can You spear northern pike in Minnesota?

Generally, spearing is limited to rough fish such as sucker. But spearing on the ice for northern pike is allowed from mid-November to the last Sunday in February. Check the fishing regulations PDF for specific information. Minnesota has three northern pike zones and regulations vary depending on where you’re spearing.

What is the best depth for spearing northern pike?

Typically, northern pike spearing occurs in relatively shallow water, commonly in the six-to 10-foot range. Spearing works best if your dark house is over a sandy or light-colored bottom rather than a dark muddy bottom. That’s because northern pike show up better when suspended over a light background.

What equipment do you need to spear a northern pike?

Spearing is a fascinating way to harvest a northern pike but it requires equipment different from standard ice fishing. So, if you want to try spearing you will need to borrow or buy a few specialty items, including a spear, dark house or roomy portable shelter, fish decoys, ice chisel, ice saw, auger and maybe even ice tongs.

Can You spear pike on the ice?

Generally, spearing is limited to rough fish such as sucker. But spearing on the ice for northern pike is allowed from mid-November to the last Sunday in February. Check the fishing regulations PDF for specific information.


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