Can you stay at Shoreditch House if not member?

Can you stay at Shoreditch House if not member?

Only members can stay at Shoreditch House Bedrooms are only available to Soho Friends and House members. Booking a bedroom also gives you access to the House.

Can non members stay at Soho House?

But fret not: Nonmembers can enter Soho House as guests of paying members (as long as they stay close to their designated member, according to official Soho House rules). Nonmembers are also eligible to book Soho House hotel rooms and can visit one of the brand’s many public-facing restaurants.

How big is the pool at Shoreditch House?


Length 16m
Width 6m
Shallow end 1m

How many guest can you bring to Soho House?

three guests
Members are permitted to bring up to three guests with them to the House at any one time although please be aware that during very busy times we may have to restrict member/guest access to certain areas of the House.

Is there a dress code for the NED?

There is not an official dress code policy at The Ned, but guests are encouraged to look presentable. It’s also worth noting that due to the hotel’s location in the heart of the City, many of the guests are dressed in the business and formal wear they wear at their jobs.

Is breakfast included at Soho House?

Cute little kitchens with your breakfast included in the price. We had the best time ever! I cannot recommend the farmhouse enough. The surroundings, the sheer detail that goes into everything is incredible and is soho house at its best.

Can doctors join Soho House?

Soho House doesn’t care for doctors. That’s what one plastic surgeon says he was told when he was wait-listed for membership at the social club, and now he’s threatening to sue. “She told me that they catered to an ‘artsy’ clientele and that he should join a society for doctors,” says the office manager, Debbie Rossi.

Can kids stay at Soho House?

Children. Soho Farmhouse is a members’ club for adults, but children are welcome. We want your children to enjoy the surroundings, but please ensure they respect other members and their privacy.


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