Can you sue for occupational asthma?

Can you sue for occupational asthma?

Negligence which may have put you at risk for developing asthma may be grounds for filing an asthma lawsuit. This is because OSHA, a government work safety body, has clear guidelines on how to ensure worker safety and health at all times, the contravention of which can preclude a workers’ compensation lawsuit.

What is the most common cause of occupational asthma?

In people who have sensitive airways, asthma symptoms can be triggered by breathing in substances called triggers. Many substances in the workplace can trigger asthma symptoms, leading to occupational asthma. The most common triggers are wood dust, grain dust, animal dander, fungi, or chemicals.

What is the recommended remedy for occupational asthma?

Occupational asthma can be treated the same as regular asthma, with inhaled medicines called bronchodilators that open (dilate) the airways as well as inhaled anti-inflammatory medicines (glucocorticoids). However, the most important intervention is to avoid any further exposure.

Is occupational asthma a diagnosis?

Diagnosing occupational asthma is similar to diagnosing other types of asthma. However, your doctor will also try to identify whether a workplace substance is causing your symptoms and what it may be. An asthma diagnosis needs to be confirmed with lung (pulmonary) function tests and an allergy skin prick test.

Is occupational asthma reversible?

Occupational asthma is often a reversible condition, which means the symptoms may disappear when the irritants that caused the asthma are avoided. However, permanent damage can result if the person experiences prolonged exposure.

Do occupational asthma symptoms ever go away?

The good news is that if you catch it soon enough, the symptoms of occupational asthma can sometimes go away completely, as long as: you stop being exposed to the trigger. For some people, symptoms stop straight away. For others, it can take a bit longer.

How long do you have to take legal action for asthma?

You normally have three years from the time your occupational asthma symptoms started to begin legal action. The sooner court proceedings can be started, the better it’s likely to be for you. You should get expert advice from a lawyer with experience in occupational diseases.

Are You at risk of developing occupational asthma?

You’re more at risk of developing occupational asthma in workplaces where there are higher levels of allergens or irritants. Bakeries, flour mills and kitchens where flour dust and additives in the flour are a common cause of occupational asthma.

What benefits can I claim for asthma caused by my job?

If you’re told that your asthma has been caused by your job, you should get advice quickly both about compensation and about benefits you may be entitled to. The level of benefit you get will depend on the severity of your disability. You may be eligible for Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit or be eligible for Reduced Earnings Allowance.


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