Did Goldberg ever lose to Brock Lesnar?

Did Goldberg ever lose to Brock Lesnar?

Brock Lesnar got his revenge by defeating Goldberg and also became Universal Champion. The Beast held the title for 504 days, which is a record for the Universal Championship.

What does Brock Lesnar think about John Cena?

Stories from behind the scenes say that Lesnar was not a fan of a young, up and coming Cena. One source actually stated, “Brock absolutely positively hated and detested John Cena!” Lesnar reportedly bad-mouthed Cena to Vince McMahon many times, especially anytime Cena was doing something being perceived as positive.

Does Brock Lesnar like CM Punk?

While Punk and The Beast aren’t necessarily close friends, they seem to greatly respect one another. CM Punk revealed (via ESPN) that Brock Lesnar even contacted him when he started MMA and offered help if needed: “I don’t want to ruin his image. I think he’s a f—in’ sweetheart.

Who won Brock Lesnar vs CM Punk?

Brock Lesnar Results: Lesnar Defeats Punk Via Pin at SummerSlam. In what has the potential to be voted as WWE’s Match of the Year, Brock Lesnar defeated CM Punk via pinfall at the 2013 edition of SummerSlam on Sunday night.

Are CM Punk and Lesnar friends?

Why did Brock Lesnar turn face at Survivor Series?

Lesnar refused and defended the championship against Big Show at Survivor Series on November 17. At Survivor Series, Heyman turned on Lesnar, allowing Big Show to chokeslam him onto a steel chair and pin him to win the WWE Championship, resulting in Lesnar’s first pinfall loss in WWE. This led to Lesnar turning face for the first time.

What happened when Brock Lesnar defended the WWE Championship against Eddie Guerrero?

Lesnar defended the WWE Championship against Eddie Guerrero at No Way Out on February 15. Goldberg attacked Lesnar with a spear while the referee was unconscious, allowing Guerrero to get a near-fall on Lesnar.

What happened between Brock Lesnar and Shawn Stasiak?

Lesnar and Shawn Stasiak lost to The Hardy Boyz at Insurrextion on May 4 after Stasiak was pinned, but Lesnar attacked all the participants after the match. At Judgment Day on May 19, Lesnar and Heyman defeated The Hardy Boyz.

Why did Brock Lesnar get discharged from the military?

He was discharged after failing a computer typing test and later worked for a construction company. Lesnar attended Webster High School playing football and he competed in amateur wrestling, placing third in the state championships his senior year.


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