Do bear proof garbage cans work?

Do bear proof garbage cans work?

While the containers deter bears in most cases, they don’t always work – especially when residents overstuff them or don’t properly latch them. Bears appear stymied during a product test of CanShed conducted at the Grizzly & Wolf Discovery Center in West Yellowstone, Montana.

How do you bear proof a dumpster?

For a more permanent solution, ask your waste service provider for a dumpster specifically designed to keep bears out. A. Bolt one sheet of pressure-treated plywood onto the top of each lid. Plywood should overlap the forward edge of the dumpster to prevent collapse if a bear stands on the lids.

Does ammonia keep bears away?

There are no repellents that are registered for use on bears. Sprinkling ammonia or other strong disinfectants on garbage can mask the odor of food. Frighten the bear. Shouting, clapping, blasting a car horn or motion-sensitive lights may scare off a bear temporarily.

What do bears hate the smell of?

Bears Dislike the Scent of Anything Pine Related – Including Pine Oil. While bears love anything sweet (yes, even honey) they have often been found to steer clear of anything pine-scented. Bears dislike the scent of any pine-scented cleaners that contain pine.

Do I need a bear-resistant trash can?

For those who cannot store their trash in a secured structure, they will need to obtain a bear-resistant trash can. Certified bear-resistant waste containers can be provided by your trash collection company, or you can purchase your own certified containers.

How do I secure my trash in the Bear Management Area?

Residents and businesses in the Bear Management Area must secure their trash within a functioning bear-resistant waste container, or within a secured structure at all times. The Bear Management Area Map includes most areas within the city limits west of I-25.

How much trash can a bear proof dumpster hold?

These bear proof dumpsters can hold up to 6 cubic yards of trash and other debris, allowing large amounts of garbage to be stored for longer periods of time. Offered in 12 gauge single or double doors for convenient opening. Bear proof dumpsters are also offered in front and rear loading capacities.

Are there bear-proof garbage containers for curb-side pickup?

If your community has curb-side pick-up, portable bear-proof containers are available to keep your garbage secure at the curb. There are several companies in the U.S. and Canada that sell bear-proof containers designed specifically for residential use.


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