Do bulging cervical discs heal?

Do bulging cervical discs heal?

It is common for the pain to come and go, or have particularly bad flare-ups during certain activities. When neck and/or arm pain stems from a herniated disc, the symptoms typically resolve completely within 4 to 6 months, even though the disc itself may not heal.

How long does a bulging disc take to settle?

Bulging Disc Recovery Time Most bulging disc injuries do take several weeks, or even months, to settle. Bulging discs will also remain weak and vulnerable for at least six weeks, sometimes longer. However, the good news is that most bulging disc injuries will not remain painful for that period.

What is the best treatment for a bulging disc in the neck?

It includes rest and medications and is often enough to heal a bulging cervical disc. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen are the first-line prescription medications for a bulging disc. For more severe pain, your doctor may prescribe a muscle relaxer or narcotic pain reliever.

Is a bulging disc permanent?

One of the most significant complications of a bulging disc is permanent nerve damage. Without treatment, compressed nerve roots in the spine can be permanently damaged, leading to chronic pain, weakness, and loss of sensation.

How long does it take for a bulging disc to heal?

For some individuals it may take up to a year or two to completely recover from disc bulge while it may take far less time for another individual to recover from the same injury. This article gives a brief overview of how long does it take to heal from bulging disc and what are the factors that play a key role in the recovery process.

How to heal a bulging disc naturally?

Rest. Like all injuries,bulging discs require significant amounts of rest in order for your body’s cells to do their repair work.

  • Anti-inflammatory Diet. An anti-inflammatory diet can help reduce the pain associated with bulging discs.
  • Exercise.
  • Spinal Adjustments.
  • How long does it take to recover from a bulging disc surgery?

    Herniated disc recovery can take anywhere from several weeks up to six months or more, depending on the extent of the injury and what treatment methods are used.

    How dangerous is a bulging disc?

    A bulging disc in your neck may be relatively painless. Or it can cause severe pain in your neck, as well as your shoulders, chest, and arms. It may also cause numbness or weakness in your arms or fingers. Sometimes, this pain and numbness may even cause you to think that you’re having a heart attack.


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