Do cataract eye drops really work?

Do cataract eye drops really work?

In a word, “no.” Carnosine eye drop manufacturers claim their drops “dissolve” cataracts, but cataracts are not a substance, so there’s nothing to dissolve. Marketers of these eye drops also claim they can prevent cataract development, but cataracts are a natural part of eye aging, so that’s another false statement.

Can eye drops dissolve cataracts?

No drops can cure or delay the formation of cataracts. Some companies may claim their products can dissolve cataracts, but this is not true. At this time, surgery is one of the best treatments for cataracts. Sometimes, months and even years after cataract and lens replacement surgery you vision might seem to fade.

What can I do to help my dog with cataracts?

Surgery is the only therapy that can remove cataracts and restore vision. A veterinary eye care team can further discuss the surgical options with you to save vision and your dog’s quality of life. Canine cataract surgery is very similar to surgery you would expect with humans.

Are Dog cataracts painful?

Are cataracts painful for my dog? Cataracts can be painful or uncomfortable for your pooch. Discomfort is caused by the inflammation that often accompanies cataracts as the protein structure of the lens changes. Inflammation of the eye, if left untreated, may also lead to glaucoma which is very painful for dogs.

Can eye drops make cataracts worse?

While steroid eye drops are useful when used correctly, they can have damaging side effects which include speeding up the progression of cataracts. For those of you who use steroid eye drops on a regular basis—have regular eye exams by your Optometrist or Ophthalmologist.

How do you slow the progression of cataracts in dogs?

Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent your dog’s hereditary conditions, but with proper diet and avoidance of toxins, you may be able to slow the formation of cataracts. But, unfortunately, in some breeds, the only thing you can do is to have intraocular lens replacement done once cataracts begin to form.

How can I prevent my dog from getting cataracts worse?

Are cataracts painful in dogs?


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