Do Darrow and Mustang end up together?

Do Darrow and Mustang end up together?

At the end of the novel, they are fully reconciled and Virginia reveals to Darrow that they have a son together whom she named Pax.

Does Darrow get with Mustang?

Darrow and Mustang… Despite their closeness in all other respects, Darrow keeps Mustang at a romantic distance up until the point where he can’t anymore. It isn’t just that his heart belonged to Eo. By the time he and Mustang get together, Darrow seems more than ready to admit he loves her.

Who dies at the end of Golden Son?

The book ends as Darrow lays dying, Augustus is captured, The Sons leader is dead, and an unknown ship is speeding their way. There you go! That’s what happened in Golden Son.

Who betrayed Darrow?

Before they escape, Darrow is betrayed by Tactus, who frees Lysander and returns him to the Sovereign.

Does Darrow become Primus?

However, Darrow allowed Mustang to flee. Before retreating, Mustang informed Darrow about the Jackal, the unnamed Primus of House Pluto who had become a feared warlord. With this, Darrow earned his status as Primus.

Was EO pregnant in red rising?

Before her hanging, Eo secretly told Dio of her pregnancy and pleaded her not to tell Darrow, which drove her sister to tears. Darrow only finds out about Eo’s pregnancy during a meeting with Harmony two years later, much to his grief. This revelation is what refuels his desire to bring down The Society.

How did the Jackal find out Darrow was a red?

Harmony who was a part of son of Aries Betrayed them and told the Jackal during interrogation when she was captured by him. (This is mentioned in next sequel of the book Morning Star which is book 3 of the Trilogy.)

Who is Karnus?

Karnus is forceful, sadistic, and adheres to the Gold social culture that holds strength, achievement, and martial prowess above all else. He looked down on his siblings, especially Julian, whom he found unworthy of the family name and of their mother’s love.

Who is the Ashlord?

Magnus au Grimmus
Magnus au Grimmus, better known by his nickname, The Ash Lord, is the Arch Imperator (military commander) of The Society.

Did Titus know Darrow was red?

After, although their house is together again, there is still the matter of Titus’ crimes. When Darrow goes to interrogate him, Titus slips up and Darrow discovers that he is a Red under disguise as a Gold, just like him. Darrow knows that Titus is a threat to him and any other Reds who may be disguised like them.

How does Roque betray Darrow?

Roque loses faith in Darrow, believing him to not care for his friends and to hide his true intentions. He betrays Darrow after discovering him to be a Red, and condemns Darrow to captivity and torture.

What gift did Darrow give the Jackal?

Probably the biggest questions coming out of Golden Son, amirite? My theory is that the Jackal had suspicions about Darrow from the moment that Darrow gave the Jackal the nanocam from Harmony that Darrow had in his tooth, which captured the taking of the Sovereign’s ship by Darrow and Sevro.


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