Do German blue rams need sand?

Do German blue rams need sand?

In my experience, sand is the best substrate for blue rams. They spend most of their lives hovering near the bottom and digging around in the substrate in order to forage for food. Sand lets them dig around the way they would in the wild. You can use gravel or an aquatic plant soil substrate.

Can German blue rams go with cichlids?

Tank Mates German blue rams are the perfect cichlids for a community aquarium. These fish can be kept with non-cichlids and peaceful dwarf cichlids. They need a peaceful community as they will struggle in an aggressive tank.

How many German blue rams should be kept together?

How many blue rams should be kept together? A pair of rams can live in a 20-gallon community tank or in a 10-gallon breeding tank with no other fish. If you wish to keep two pairs of rams, increase the aquarium size to 40 gallons so that each set has enough territory.

Do Blue Rams eat flakes?

The Ram Cichlid is an omnivore which basically translates into that they will eat anything and everything you offer them. A staple diet of flake food, pellets, and live foods is the most commonly used diet.

Are German blue rams fin nippers?

German Blue Rams aren’t major fin nippers but Barbs and larger Tetras often do so. Female Bettas and wild-type Bettas may be a better choice if your Rams are a little more aggressive!

Do German blue rams need caves?

Compared to other cichlids, German blue rams are known for being relatively peaceful in the aquarium setting. Just try to provide enough hiding places and designated spots for privacy in the form of live plants and coconut caves. This way, you’ll rarely see your rams bothering other fish in the tank.

Do Ram cichlids eat flakes?

How often should you feed blue RAM?

Feed Blue Ram Cichlid 2-3 times a day. Feed them small meals in a day instead of a large portion at once. They are heavy eaters; you might feel like they don’t need food much, but they eat a lot for their size.

Will German blue rams eat neon tetras?

Nope, you’re fine. I have a GBR with neon tetras and they don’t pay much attention to each other at all.

What cichlids can live with blue Rams?

German Blue Rams are the perfect Cichlids for a community aquarium. These fish can be kept with non-Cichlids and peaceful Dwarf Cichlids. They need a peaceful community as they will struggle in an aggressive tank. Good tank companions are Silver Dollars, Dwarf Gouramis, Discus, Plecostomus Catfish, Cardinal and Neon Tetras.

How big of a tank does a ram cichlid need?

The following sections will give you all the information you need in order to keep these fish happy and healthy. The recommended tank size for German Blue Ram Cichlids is 20 gallons. This will give them plenty of space to swim and explore. We’ve seen a lot of people saying these fish will do fine in a 10-gallon tank.

What size tank does a German Blue Ram fish need?

The German Blue Ram is a small fish that needs at least a 10 gallon aquarium. As a general rule, you should allow 10 gallons of water per Ram. German Blue Ram Tank Mates German Blue Rams are the perfect Cichlids for a community aquarium.

What is the best cichlid for a community tank?

Tank Mates German Blue Rams are the perfect Cichlids for a community aquarium. These fish can be kept with non-Cichlids and peaceful Dwarf Cichlids. They need a peaceful community as they will struggle in an aggressive tank.


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