Do War Assets matter in me3?

Do War Assets matter in me3?

Mass Effect 3 War Assets, Total Military Strength, and what you need to get for each ending. The rating that really matters is your Total Military Strength – your War Assets – as this is the one that will determine what happens in the final stages of Mass Effect 3’s story.

How many war assets do you need in me3?

To guarantee access to all endings in Mass Effect 3, you must acquire at least 3100 War Assets. War Assets are earned by completing side-quests, selecting certain options as you play through main story missions, and by completing special jobs on the Galaxy Map.

Can you cure the Genophage without Maelon’s data?

You can complete Mordin’s loyalty mission, but you need to destroy Maelon’s data about curing the Genophage (this will get eve to die in me3).

What is the maximum military strength in me3?

You’ll need to be a completionist to do this, but not absolutely – the maximum military strength you can get in Legendary Edition is around 8600.

How many resources do I need for me3?

Your Resources will be imported into Mass Effect 3 as a War Asset, with its strength determined by how much you had of each. We recommend having around 150,000 Palladium, Iridium and Platinum, and 35,000 Element Zero.

What is the best me3 ending?

The Illusive Man would have chosen the control ending but, as the Catalyst explains to Commander Shepard, he would have ultimately failed as a result of his indoctrination. If players opt to go the Paragon route, making Shepard the prototypical hero of the story, the control ending is the obvious choice.

Should you cure the genophage in Mass Effect 3?

Mass Effect 3 offers the players the choice of curing the genophage or not and has some major ramifications that may not be evident at first. Of course, curing the genophage is a big deal but there are a number of circumstances to take into consideration before doing so.

What are the different types of War Assets in Mass Effect?

Mass Effect 3 War Assets guide – every asset listed, and their Military Strength values. 1 Alien War Assets. 2 Alliance War Assets. 3 Asari War Assets. 4 Crucible War Assets. 5 Ex-Cerberus War Assets.

What are the major choices in Mass Effect 3?

Major Mass Effect 3 Choices and Consequences 1 Virmire Survivor on Mars. 2 Illusive Man Conversations. 3 War Assets and EMS. 4 Grissom Academy. 5 Priority: Tuchanka. 6 Conversations With Miranda. 7 Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery. 8 Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons. 9 Priority: Rannoch. 10 Crucible Choice.

How do you lose alliance with Krogan in Mass Effect 3?

Wrex will find this out later and attack the commander. He also dies in the process and you will lose your alliance with Krogan. This will reduce your war asset by 150 in Mass Effect 3. As you see how important it is to cure the Genophase so that the Krogan’s can still trust you.


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