Do you need a chimney for an inset stove?

Do you need a chimney for an inset stove?

Our answer is generally yes. If you are going to be placing an inset stove within an existing chimney place, with a functioning chimney, then you don’t technically require a flue liner. However, we would always recommend that you use a chimney flue liner with an inset stove.

Can you install a pellet stove without a chimney?

Pellet stoves can be installed in a home without the use of chimney. Even if a home has an existing chimney, a pellet stove can be vented out of an external wall of a home and a flue installed up the outside of an external wall to above the eaves, or a flue can be installed internally and through the roof.

Do inset stoves need a flue liner?

Secondly, while not mandatory, flue liners are highly recommended by most stove installers, and for good reason. Along with offering improved safety, cleanliness and efficiency, one of the main benefits of fitting your stove with a flue liner is also better performance.

How can I use a fireplace without a chimney?

Ventless Gas Fireplaces Ventless gas fireplaces are a sub-category of gas fireplaces. They run on natural gas or liquid propane. They are designed to operate without a chimney or vent. The design is achieved by reducing the number of emissions by burning less gas.

Can you install a wood burning fireplace without a chimney?

Yes, it is possible to add a wood burning stove or a fireplace without an existing chimney, but you do need to install a chimney in the process. All wood burning fireplaces have to have a way to allow smoke and dangerous gases to exit your home.

Why does a pellet stove not need a chimney?

Pellet stoves only burn highly compressed pellets, which are the cleanest burning type of solid fuel available. These appliances can be installed as close as 3 inches to combustible walls. A chimney is not required because pellet stoves can be vented directly to an outside wall.

Are inset stoves any good?

Ideal for new builds or extensions, inset stoves are a great space saver. If your room is not very big, or you don’t want a big hearth and stove, then an inset stove is the ideal option. Many people wrongly assume that inset stoves generate less heat, and may be less efficient than a conventional freestanding version.

Should I install a free standing stove or a fireplace insert?

If there is an existing masonry chimney and fireplace available, most homeowners decide to go with the insert option. This is due to the fact that the fireplace will become much more efficient (75% vs 0%) and the space can be used for the insert rather than taking up additional space in the home that a freestanding stove would require.

Can you install a wood burner without a chimney?

Here is a general guide to installing a wood burner without a chimney… A Stove – you can choose a wood burning stove or a multi fuel stove. Check if you live in a Smoke Control Area as you will need a DEFRA approved stove if you do.

Can you put a wood burning stove in a manufactured fireplace?

Never install a wood-burning insert into a manufactured fireplace. This voids the warranty of the fireplace and is not to code. It could also be a potential fire hazard. Manufactured fireplaces were designed and listed with certain components and are not designed to be altered.

Do you need a chimney for a B vent fireplace?

With the B vent, you won’t need a chimney, and the good news is that it’s relatively easy and inexpensive to install, compared to other styles of fireplaces. They’re also inexpensive to operate, another perk for a homeowner on a budget.


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