Does culling badgers reduce bovine TB?

Does culling badgers reduce bovine TB?

Down’s paper cautiously suggests that industry-led culling was associated with reductions in bovine tuberculosis, however ends by saying: “Culling badgers will not provide the entire solution to the cattle TB problem in Great Britain and the impact of the policy needs to be evaluated alongside other TB controls.”

Why are badgers being culled in England?

Since 2013, the government has permitted the culling of badgers across certain parts of England. The aim of culling is to control the spread of tuberculosis among cattle (bovine TB) as badgers carry the disease.

What are the different methods of badger culling?

Two methods of culling are permitted; cage trapping and shooting, and free shooting. To ensure that badger culling is effective, safe and humane, it can only be carried out by licensed contractors who have undertaken government-approved training. Contractors must adhere to strict licence conditions stipulated by Natural England.

How many badgers have been killed since the cull policy started?

The total number of badgers killed since the cull policy started now stands at 102,349. It has been estimated that the cull has cost the taxpayer more than £60m.


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