Does Emily find out Aiden killed Takeda?

Does Emily find out Aiden killed Takeda?

Aiden later confronts him about keeping him from Emily. Takeda tells him to leave Emily to stay on her path to revenge. Later, when Emily realizes that Aiden killed Takeda, he reveals to her that he and she had only been pawns in Takeda’s own vendetta against the Graysons and the Initiative the whole time.

Does Aiden betray Emily on revenge?

They had an intimate relationship which ended after Aiden left her for his mission, but years later, the two reunite. Emily Thorne is initially reluctant to trust him again, but eventually gives in and begins dating him in again….Amanda and Aiden.

General Information
Status: Separated; Aiden is dead

How did Aiden Mathis die?

Aiden meets his death at the hands of Victoria Grayson, who poisons him and later suffocates him….Aiden Mathis.

Biographical Information
Status: Deceased
Episode of Death: Execution
Time of Death: Fall 2013, Southampton, New York, U.S.
Cause of Death: Poisoned and suffocated with a pillow by Victoria Grayson

Is Emily really Amanda?

Near the end of the fourth and final season, Emily Thorne’s real identity is revealed and the world knows that she’s actually David Clarke’s daughter, Amanda. This is something that fans were definitely curious about, as it didn’t seem possible for Amanda to hide forever.

Who murdered Tyler Barrol?

Daniel is arrested for Tyler’s murder and sent to Rikers Island after being denied bail. It is revealed that Satoshi Takeda is the one who killed Tyler and framed Daniel in order to help Emily’s master plan.

Who killed Aiden in the originals?

Near the end of the second season, Aiden was killed by Dahlia in an attempt to frame Niklaus Mikaelson and further fracture the Mikaelson Family. Aiden was a member of the Crescent Wolf Pack.

Who killed Aiden Mathis revenge?

Aiden later returns in season 3, revealing that he survived a gunshot wound from Daniel. He continues to work alongside Emily in her revenge against the Graysons, even pretending to help Victoria for her. In the season 3 finale, Victoria suffocated him with a pillow until he died.

What happens to Lydia in revenge?

In the season 1 finale, Lydia was onboard a plane taking her to testify against Conrad, but she was supposedly killed when the plane exploded.

Is Amanda Victoria’s daughter?

While Stevie was in rehab, Victoria faked a pregnancy to pressure Conrad into divorcing his wife and marrying her. She fell in love with her neighbor David Clarke, who worked for Conrad’s company Grayson Global and had a daughter of his own named Amanda.

Is Aiden really dead in revenge?

Aiden was the protagonist’s loyal protector, a friend who knew her true identity, a fighting partner, and one of Emily’s best lovers. Aiden was killed by Victoria and his death was one of the most painful for Emily.

Do Emily and Aiden end up together in the book?

At the behest of Emily, Nolan gives Aiden the check David Clarke wrote him to give to Daniel in order cement his takeover of his father’s company. After Aiden makes it clear that he is there for Emily, they make up and rekindle their relationship. In ” Revelations “, Daniel becomes aware that Emily and Aiden are a couple and is visibly jealous.

What happened to Aiden in the book Aiden?

Aiden now also acts as Takeda’s proxy on the board of Grayson Global, tasked to destabilize the company from the inside. Later, he comes into Emily’s house and shoots Gordon Murphy before he could cut Emily’s throat.

What happened to Colleen in Aiden’s revenge plan?

In a fit of anger, Aiden partly blames Emily for not being able to stop his sister’s apparent death. He goes to investigate further, only to find out that Colleen had been dead for years. Near the end of ” Truth, Part 2 “, Aiden decides to leave the revenge plan, feeling that it leads nowhere.

Why did Emily send Aiden to the Hamptons with Takeda?

Aiden has apparently returned from his failed mission, and now he is bent on getting Emily on the right track. Takeda then decides to send Aiden to the Hamptons as he does not believe that Emily has the courage to see her plan through, while Emily merely thinks that Aiden and Takeda were interfering with her plans.


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