Does Nepeta like karkat?

Does Nepeta like karkat?

She’s also an avid romantic, mapping her friends’ tangled relationships on a wall, which she updates religiously. Relationship Status… single, but pining over her fellow troll, Karkat. Unfortunately for Nepeta, he’s already taken – but at least she has Equius as her moirail.

Why does Equius sweat so much?

The number 100, which Equius uses in his quirk, is the atomic number of the element fermium on the periodic table, which is the heaviest element that can be formed by neutron bombardment of lighter elements. His constant need for towels is a possible reference to horses’ tendency to sweat profusely [citation needed].

Does Nepeta have a tail?

Equius accidentally broke nepeta’s spine and replaced it with a mechanical version then attached a tail to the end of …

How does Terezi type?

Typing style She does use commas, question marks, and exclamation points, and uses apostrophes starting in Act 6 Act 6 Intermission 4. Doesn’t use periods (unless as “…”), and like Karkat, uses asterisks for emphasis.

Who is Kanaya’s ancestor?

The Dolorosa
The Dolorosa was the ancestor of Kanaya Maryam. Her name comes from the Latin Mater Dolorosa, meaning “Lady of Sorrows” – a name for the Virgin Mary, whose story the Dolorosa’s parallels.

Are Jake and Jane related?

Jane Egbert, more commonly known as Nanna, is the mother of Mr. Egbert, adoptive sister of Jake Harley, and adoptive grandmother of John Egbert. She is also the genetic mother of John Egbert and Jade Harley.

Why did Equius smile when died?

When Equius died, he was smiling because he still believed Nepeta Homestuck, Fandomstuck, Headcanon.

Does Gamzee like tavros?

These feelings may be more reflective of the aforementioned flushed crush he had on Tavros, especially considering that he cut his head off, seemingly to carry it around and kiss it. Like many other things about Gamzee, though, his true feelings are ultimately unknown.

How does karkat type?

As such, Karkat types with hex code #626262, a grey, instead of an approximation of his blood color as other trolls do. 62 is the atomic number of samarium, a volatile but durable silvery-grey metal used in various applications including permanent magnets and cancer treatment.

Who is Kanaya homestuck?

Kanaya Maryam is a troll from the webcomic Homestuck. She is a lesbian and is married to Rose Lalonde. Kanaya is what is referred to as a “rainbow drinker”, which is essentially the troll version of a vampire.

Is Terezi dead?

Bogus Terezi – Killed off by Caliborn, while attempting to horn in on Alpha Male and KrabKrab’s relationship. by Caliborn, because “she actually thought she was going to be relevant to the story.”

What color is Terezi’s blood?

Aradia refers to Tavros and herself (the two being the lowest on the hemospectrum) as “rust bloods,” while Terezi, Vriska and Equius have all been referred to as “blue bloods.” Lowbloods is used to refer to the lower half of the spectrum and highbloods is used to refer to the upper half of the spectrum.

Why did Andrew Hussie include himself in Homestuck?

Andrew Hussie also inserted himself into Homestuck’s story as a character, where he offers detailed summaries and ends up in “bizarre in-world encounters.”. After Ryan North asked why “MS Paint Adventures” doesn’t follow the adventures of a “Ms Paint”, Hussie included a minor character to Homestuck with that name.

What is Homestuck and how did it start?

The webcomic centers on a group of teenagers who unwittingly bring about the end of the world through the installation of a beta copy of an upcoming computer game. Homestuck features a complex story and a large cast of characters, starring the four children John Egbert, Rose Lalonde, Dave Strider, and Jade Harley.

What is a troll in Homestuck?

In the fifth “act” of Homestuck, Hussie introduced an alien species called “trolls”, based on Internet trolls, who live on the planet of Alternia in another dimension. While the first few acts of Homestuck focused on a more realistic theme of what it is like for a group of kids to be friends on the Internet,…

What is the origin of the name of the catnip cat?

Nepeta’s name was suggested by Music Team member Tenebrais. Her first name is derived from the scientific genus of catnip and its active ingredient, and Leijon is taken from the surname of Anna-Greta Leijon, who was a Swedish Minister of Immigration in 1976 and victim of a kidnapping plot dubbed Operation Leo.


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