Does Ohio have consumer protection laws?

Does Ohio have consumer protection laws?

The cornerstone of Ohio consumer law is the Consumer Sales Practices Act (CSPA), which protects individual consumers from unfair, deceptive, and unconscionable sales practices in connection with consumer transactions.

How do I know if I owe the Ohio attorney general?

NOTE: For information on paying a tax debt or other debt owed to the state of Ohio, please contact the Attorney General’s Collections Enforcement Section online or by calling 877-607-6400.

What is the name of the Ohio law which prohibits deceptive and unfair practices for loan officers mortgage brokers and nonbank mortgage lenders?

Homebuyer’s Protection Act
Homebuyer’s Protection Act (Predatory Lending Law) (2007) Protects consumers from abusive lending practices committed on or after January 1, 2007 by non-bank lenders, loan officers and mortgage brokers.

What is Ohio financial power of attorney?

Use the Ohio limited financial power of attorney document to grant powers to a specific monetary responsibility, decision, or objective to another person. The most common example is a property owner electing their attorney to handle a real estate transaction on their behalf.

Who is the current Attorney General of Ohio?

Office of the Attorney General. The Ohio Attorney General is the chief legal officer of the State of Ohio in the United States. The office is filled by general election, held every four years. The current Ohio Attorney General is Republican Mike DeWine.

What is Ohio Consumer Sales Practice Act?

The Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (“OCSPA”) (Ohio Rev. Code § 1345.01 et seq.) is a set of laws that aim to protect consumers from sales practices that are deceptive, unfair, or unconscionable. While the OCSPA serves a legitimate need of protecting consumers, its impact on businesses can be profound.

What are the laws for Consumer Protection?

Consumer protection laws are meant to protect the rights of consumers. These laws are designed by the government and enforced to make sure consumers aren’t taken advantage of. These laws will allow consumers to know what is put in products, how they are made, and making sure the products are up to health codes.


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