Does pregnancy ruin belly button piercings?

Does pregnancy ruin belly button piercings?

Is it safe to keep a belly button piercing when pregnant? If you’ve recently learned of a pregnancy, your first thought might be to remove your belly button piercing. But you don’t need to react so quickly. The short answer is yes, it is safe to keep a fully healed belly button piercing while pregnant.

Can pregnancy make piercings to reject?

The two main types of popular surface piercings involve bars and microdermals. Surface piercings may have a higher rate of rejection and/or infection than ear piercing or other body piercings. A pregnant woman’s immune system is suppressed during pregnancy, which leaves surface piercing on the borderline of unsafe.

Will belly button piercing stretch during pregnancy?

However, there’s a chance your pregnancy belly ring will feel tight or that the hole will stretch out to the point of discomfort, especially if your belly button “pops.” If so, remove the belly ring completely and, if you choose to, re-pierce it again a few months after you give birth.

How do you fix a saggy belly button piercing after pregnancy?

Umbilicoplasty is a procedure that changes the appearance of your bellybutton. It was originally used to treat umbilical hernias in infants. In recent years, it’s become a popular cosmetic surgery. The goal of umbilicoplasty is to give the bellybutton a more vertical shape instead of a horizontal one.

When should I take out my belly button piercing when pregnant?

A: Not right away, but once your belly really starts to pop (by week 20 or so), you’ll probably want to remove it. The skin covering your belly begins to stretch, the area around the ring may become irritated and painful, and more prone to infection.

How can I stop my belly button from popping out during pregnancy?

Your newly outie navel might get irritated from rubbing against your clothes. Try using a specially-designed belly button cover or a pregnancy support product, like a tummy sleeve or tummy shaper, to protect a popped-out navel.

What piercings can you get while pregnant?

During pregnancy, earrings and nose rings can stay, and you don’t necessarily have to ditch piercings in your nipples or belly button either. “Some women find that they become uncomfortable as their skin stretches,” says Iffath A.

What is a hanging belly button?

Dangling belly button rings are fun to wear and designed especially for showing off! These are usually a curved barbell, which is one of the classic navel ring or belly ring styles, with decorative charms, jewels, stones, and other adornments dangling off the bottom end.

How fast does your belly button piercing close up?

Fresh belly piercings tend to close quickly. If you’ve had one for years, it can close in a few weeks, but for some people it can take longer. Make sure you clean the area regularly until it’s fully healed. If you want to keep your piercing for the long term, put jewelry in it all the time.

Why do some women’s belly buttons stick out when pregnant?

A: It doesn’t happen to all pregnant women. But sometimes a growing baby in the uterus can put so much pressure on a woman’s abdominal wall that her normally “innie” belly button becomes an “outie.” It typically happens in the second or third trimester of pregnancy, most commonly around 26 weeks.

Can I get a piercing when breastfeeding?

Even though it’s okay to breastfeed with a nipple piercing, you shouldn’t get a piercing while you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. Actually, most piercers will not pierce the nipples during this time, considering that it takes up to 12 months for the nipple to fully heal.

Will my belly button piercing look different after pregnancy?

Belly Button Piercing after Pregnancy. This will tend to go back to the normal appearance after pregnancy. Some of the things that affect what changes a body undergoes include the weight fluctuation experienced, age, genetics, and hormones among other factors. All these will have an effect on the belly button piercing after pregnancy.

Is it safe to get a navel piercing while pregnant?

If you got your navel pierced within a month of pregnancy, it is still considered to be in healing mode, so be on the lookout for unusual or noticeable redness and puffiness, but even better, take the piercing out altogether to minimize the risk of infection.

Can you remove a navel piercing that has healed?

Castillo recommends seeing a licenced piercer to remove navel jewelry, even if the hole is already healed, not only because the angles can be tricky, but also to ensure no bacteria buildup has occurred. As for when to have your navel piercing removed, it varies from person to person, according to Castillo.

Is it safe to wear a belly button ring during pregnancy?

In most cases, it is possible to wear normal belly button rings in the early months of pregnancy up to around six months. However, in case you got pregnant before the piercing got healed, there could be new injuries and tearing around the area.


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