Has anyone made octanitrocubane?

Has anyone made octanitrocubane?

Octanitrocubane was first synthesized by Philip Eaton (who was also the first to synthesize cubane in 1964) and Mao-Xi Zhang at the University of Chicago in 1999, with the structure proven by crystallographer Richard Gilardi of the United States Naval Research Laboratory.

Is cubane an explosive?

“Octanitrocubane is not explosive under ordinary conditions,” Eaton said. “It’s a very stable compound kinetically. Such compounds need to be purposefully detonated and could even become large construction site regulars if they were cheap enough.”

Is Octanitrocubane a solid?

They say that octanitrocubane is a stable white solid — but it turns out to be less dense than expected, to the detriment of its value as an explosive. Eaton believes, however, that a more dense solid form should exist, in which its full detonating potential might be realized.

Is dynamite or TNT stronger?

It’s the small explosion of the blasting cap that is required to cause the nitroglycerin to explode. You may see some explosives labeled “TNT” that look like dynamite. TNT stands for trinitrotoluene, which is also an explosive but quite different from dynamite. Dynamite is actually much more powerful than TNT.

What is the best explosive?

PETN. One of the most powerful explosive chemicals known to us is PETN, which contains nitro groups which are similar to that in TNT and the nitroglycerin in dynamite.

What does mean XD?

1. an expression used in text messages or e-mails signaling happiness or laughter. XD is an emoticon. X represents closed eyes while D stands for an open mouth.

Why is octanitrocubane a good explosive material?

In cubane derivitives, the strain energy ensures a very energetic decomposition. The number of molecules that result should be large. One molecule of octanitrocubane becomes 12 molecules, a very good ratio for an explosive. The molecular weight of the resulting gases should be high.

What is octoctanitrocubane (c8no2) 8?

Octanitrocubane (molecular formula: C 8(NO 2) 8) is a high explosive that, like TNT, is shock-insensitive (not readily detonated by shock).

Why is octanitrocubane more valuable than gold?

Although octanitrocubane is predicted to be one of the most effective explosives, the difficulty of its synthesis inhibits practical use. Philip Eaton’s synthesis was difficult and lengthy, and required cubane (rare enough to begin with) as a starting point. As a result, octanitrocubane is more valuable, gram for gram, than gold.

What is the difference between octoctanitrocubane and HMX?

Octanitrocubane is thought to have 20–25% greater performance than HMX (octogen). This increase in power is due to its highly expansive breakdown into CO 2 and N 2, as well as to the presence of strained chemical bonds in the molecule which have stored potential energy.


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