How are potholes formed in geography?

How are potholes formed in geography?

In Earth science, a pothole is a smooth, bowl-shaped or cylindrical hollow, generally deeper than wide, found carved into the rocky bed of a watercourse. it is created by the erosional forces of turbulence generated by water falling on rocks at a waterfall’s base where the water impacts.

What is a pothole and how is it formed?

Potholes are round/oval shaped holes in the bedrock of a river bed. They are formed when sediment and other material carried by a river scour the bed. Where depressions exist in the channel floor turbulent flow can cause pebbles to spin around and erode hollows through abrasion/corraision.

Where are potholes formed in rivers?

Potholes. Potholes form mainly in the upper course of the river, in high altitude where the river channel cuts directly into the bedrock. Potholes are the direct consequence of vertical erosion and processes of abrasion.

Is a pothole an example of erosion?

Potholes are also of great interest as a mode of river erosion. These deep holes bored into the hard rock of stream beds constitute most efficient means for the deepening of channels in resistant rock.

What is potholes in geography Malayalam?

Meanings of Pothole in malayalam : Noun Valiya gartham (വലിയ ഗര്തം) Rodile kuzhikal (റോഡിലെ കുഴികൾ)

What are rapids in geography?

A rapid is a part of river where current is very fast because of relatively steep gradient of river bed at that place causing an increase in water flow and turbulence. It is the hydrological feature between a smoothly flowing part of a stream (run) and a sudden downpour (cascade).

What are the causes of development of potholes?

Most potholes are formed due to fatigue of the street surface. As fatigue fractures develop they typically interlock in a pattern known as crocodile cracking. The chunks of pavement between fatigue cracks are worked loose and may eventually be picked out of the surface by continued wheel loads, thus forming a pothole.

Why is a pothole called a pothole?

Anxious for a cheap source of raw materials for making clay pots, the potters would dig into the deep ruts to reach clay deposits underneath. Teamsters driving wagons and coaches over those roads knew who and what caused these holes and referred to them as “potholes.”

What is a pothole?

A pothole is a depression in a road surface, usually asphalt pavement, where traffic has removed broken pieces of the pavement. It is usually the result of water in the underlying soil structure and traffic passing over the affected area.

What pothole means?

Definition of pothole 1a : a circular hole formed in the rocky bed of a river by the grinding action of stones or gravel whirled round by the water. b : a sizable rounded often water-filled depression in land. 2 : a pot-shaped hole in a road surface.

What causes rapids formation?

Rapids tend to form in younger streams, with water flow that is straighter and faster than in older streams. Softer rocks in the streambed erode, or wear away, faster than harder rocks. This process is known as differential erosion. The many tiny waterfalls they create make the slope of the stream more steep.

What causes potholes to form?

There are two common causes of potholes: water and traffic. Most potholes form over long periods of moisture like in the winter snowstorms or in the early spring. As snow and rain seep into the cracks of the pavement, the soil below it causes mud and erosion to the support.

How are potholes formed?

A pothole is formed when a circular current of water carrying small pebbles and sediment begins to wear away a rock surface. The force of water and the sediment it carries is greater than the resistance of the rock. Once the process has begun, it continues and the rock in that location continues to erode away.

The word “pothole” can be split into two distinct morphemes. The first part being “pot,” a word derived from Middle English that means “a deep hole,” and the second part being “hole,” which maintains the same meaning today, that is, a hollowness in the ground.

How do potholes happen?

Potholes are holes in the roadway that vary in size and shape. They are caused by the expansion and contraction of ground water after the water has entered into the ground under the pavement. When water freezes, it expands.


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