How big do synodontis petricola get?

How big do synodontis petricola get?

approximately 4 inches
Synodontis Petricola, also known as the pygmy leopard catfish, is a catfish which grows to a length of approximately 4 inches.

How fast do synodontis petricola catfish grow?

From what we know Synodontis petricola will only reach about 3/4 to an inches in the first year and it might seem a long time to raise a fish but keep in mind they only reach 3-4 inches.

Are Petricola aggressive?

Since the Petricola catfish are relatively shy and tend to spend much of their time in hiding, it is possible that faster, more aggressive fish may eat the available food before the Petricola has a chance to grab a few bites.

Does petricola catfish eat algae?

With beautiful finnage and a relatively gentle temperament, synodontis catfish are omnivorous scavengers that will eat algae, pellets, flakes and even live food if they’re larger than it.

What do you feed dwarf petricola catfish?

The Dwarf Cuckoo Catfish is an unfussy eater that will accept most meaty live, frozen, and dry foods. Some vegetable matter is also necessary.

How many synodontis catfish should be kept together?

Sometimes called Synodontis Lace Catfish for the pattern of their spots, this species does well singly or in groups of three or four per 20-gallon tank. This helps prevent inter-species aggression as each fish cause distractions for the others.

How do you breed dwarf petricola catfish?

petricola will breed via the egg scattering method. The spawning clinch follows a period of excited chasing from the male fish, with the eggs being deposited on the substrate or in a cave. The eggs should hatch within 24 hours, with the fry becoming free-swimming some 48-72 hours later.

Can synodontis petricola live with cichlids?

Its scientific name is Synodontis nigriventris. Unlike the prior two catfish noted, this one won’t do as well in with the African Cichlids, but makes an excellent addition to tanks with a lower pH, ranging from 6.0 – 7.5. Full grown they will only reach about 4 inches, and they are active and interesting to observe.

How do you breed petricola catfish?

Do Synodontis catfish have scales?

Synodontis are a part of the Mochokidae catfish family, extra generally often known as the ‘bare catfishes’, since they have got a scarcity of body armor or conventional scales.

What is a dwarf petricola catfish?

The dwarf Petricola is a slow-growing species of catfish, reaching a maximum length of about four inches. Since they are not readily bred in the hobby, prices for these fish tend to be high. This catfish is a shy, reclusive, but active fish.

Why won’t my petricola catfish eat?

Since the Petricola catfish are relatively shy and tend to spend much of their time in hiding, it is possible that faster, more aggressive fish may eat the available food before the Petricola has a chance to grab a few bites.

How can you tell the difference between Synodontis and petricola?

Synodontis Petricola can also be distinguished by the white trim along their dorsal, pectoral, and caudal fins. The dwarf Petricola is a slow-growing species of catfish, reaching a maximum length of about four inches. Since they are not readily bred in the hobby, prices for these fish tend to be high.

Is a petricola a brood parasitism?

Unlike the majority of the genus, S. petricola is actually bred quite often in aquaria. It is usually an open spawning egg scatterer but it is also one of the few fish known to exhibit a method of spawning known as brood parasitism. The others also being Tanganyikan Synodontis species!


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