How can I get admission in Oxford University for law?

How can I get admission in Oxford University for law?

If you want to apply to study law at Oxford you must submit a UCAS application and take the Law National Admissions Test (LNAT). For further information about UCAS, the application process, how to take the LNAT, how to choose a college, and important dates and deadlines, please refer to the University website.

What is the acceptance rate for Oxford law school?

Law (Jurisprudence)

UCAS code See course options Duration
Entrance requirements AAA Contact
Admissions test(s) Written work
Admissions statistics* *3-year average 2018-20 Law: Interviewed: 39% Successful: 13% Intake: 205 Course II: Interviewed: 34% Successful: 10% Intake: 30 Subject requirements

Is law at Oxford competitive?

If your dream is getting an offer to study law at Oxbridge, you’ll be up against a lot of very strong competition. Both Cambridge and Oxford offer well-respected law degrees so you’ll have to prepare that bit extra during your application to ensure you have the best chances of being offered a place.

Is law at Oxford Good?

Oxford and Cambridge are considered two of the top universities in the country to study law, so you might want to consider applying as one of your university options. Both universities have highly reputable law faculties, and future employers value a degree from these institutions.

Should I apply to Oxford or Cambridge for law?

Oxford and Cambridge are considered two of the top universities in the country to study law, so you might want to consider applying as one of your university options. Completing a law degree at Oxford or Cambridge will certainly be an asset to your applications to law firms and chambers in the future.

Is New College Oxford Good for law?

Since law was first taught as a degree subject in Oxford in the late nineteenth century, New College has been a strong college for law students and many distinguished and well known lawyers and legal academics studied here.

Do UK law schools require LSAT?

No LSAT Required The UK law school admissions process for LLB courses does not require the Law School Admission Test score for admission. All you need for your application are your transcript(s), reference letter, and a personal statement. It’s that simple!

How do I apply for an Oxford law degree?

There are four main parts involved in applications for Oxford undergraduate law (BA Jurisprudence or BA Law with Law Studies in Europe): UCAS All applications for undergraduate study at Oxford are made online via the University and Colleges Application System (UCAS). The deadline is 6pm UK time on 15 October.

Why study law at Oxford University?

A distinctive feature of the Oxford law degrees is the central role that tutorials play in teaching and learning. Each week (and often more frequently) you will be expected to synthesize your reading into an essay and to discuss the topics that you have read and written about with your tutor.

What is a good score to get into Oxford Law?

Past LNAT data shows that average scores for all Oxford applicants is around 24, shortlisted applicants score around 28 and successful applicants score around 29. Therefore, aiming for a high score is important when applying for Oxford Law. After the Oxford admissions tutors have considered your application, you might be invited to an interview.

What is the application deadline for Oxford University?

UCAS All applications for undergraduate study at Oxford are made online via the University and Colleges Application System (UCAS). The deadline is 6pm UK time on 15 October. Complete the online form, selecting the course and college of your choice.


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