How can I increase my chances of planning permission?

How can I increase my chances of planning permission?

Five powerful tips for getting planning permission

  1. 1) Create quality designs. Design is the most important aspect of the planning permission process.
  2. 2) Research relevant planning policies.
  3. 3) Build a relationship with your planning officer.
  4. 4) Contact all relevant parties.
  5. 5) Hire a skilled professional.

What objections can stop planning permission?

What is a valid objection to a planning application

  • Loss of light or overshadowing.
  • Overlooking/loss of privacy.
  • Visual amenity (but not loss of private view)
  • Adequacy of parking/loading/turning.
  • Highway safety.
  • Traffic generation.
  • Noise and disturbance resulting from use.
  • Hazardous materials.

How hard is it to get planning permission in Ireland?

A tough subject for some. This is a general guide to housing need and general planning policies that are common in Ireland. Getting Rural Planning Permission can be difficult, but if you have a genuine housing need claim, then it should be easy!

How do you successfully object to planning permission?

To object, write to the Planning Department of your local authority and quote the planning application number. There will often be a comments section on the local authority’s website where you can do this, otherwise post or email is fine.

Can a Neighbour refuse planning permission?

In summary, your neighbour can have no influence on the development with regards to planning permission, as planning permission is not required. The exception to this would be if you are planning to take advantage of the Larger Home Extension Scheme under permitted development, which has its own particular process.

How strict is planning permission?

It’s now easier than ever to get planning permission in England – 88% are approved. When looking at historical government data, it is evident that planning permission applications are being accepted now more than ever. That’s a huge 88% of planning applications approved up from 82% in the last 10 years.

What happens if a Neighbour objects to planning permission?

If a neighbour objects and challenges your application, you have the right to appeal. However, if the objections can be addressed with an alteration to the design of the extension, you can also opt to amend the plan accordingly and re-submit the application.

Can you anonymously object to planning permission?

Nonetheless, you can object to any planning application, whether or not you have personally received a letter informing you of it.

How long does it take to get planning permission in Ireland?

If the local authority decides to give you planning permission, you will get a notice of intention to grant planning permission. If no one appeals the decision to An Bord Pleanála within 4 weeks of the date of this decision, you will get grant of permission from the local authority.

Can I start building before the grant of planning permission?

You must not start building before you receive the grant of permission. Normally, planning permission is subject to conditions, some of which may require changes to your proposals. Planning permission normally lasts for 5 years.

What happens if a planning application is refused?

This permission may be refused, in which case, the unauthorised development will have to be demolished. Generally, the local planning authority must make a decision on a planning application within 8 weeks of receiving the application, but if the local authority needs more information, or the decision is appealed, it may take much longer.

What are the conditions of planning permission?

Normally, planning permission is subject to conditions, some of which may require changes to your proposals. Planning permission normally lasts for 5 years. You may be required to make a financial contribution towards the construction of any road, water supply or sewerage that may be necessary.


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