How can I track who watched my video?

How can I track who watched my video?

Google Analytics On the videos page, click ‘Analytics. ‘ From there, check out ‘Audience retention,’ which will show you how long people are watching your video for, and where they’re dropping off. In ‘Performance,’ you’ll see a summary of what actions viewers are taking after they watch your video.

How to track video Analytics?

So, to start tracking your video views, you’ll need to set up a custom metric in your Analytics. To do that, go to the “Admin” tab in your Analytics and locate the “Property” options. When you find the right menu, scroll down and select the “Custom Metrics” option under the “Custom Definitions” tab.

What are video metrics?

Video metrics are performance analytics that help you to both understand and measure the impact of your video. This gives you key insight on your video’s overall effectiveness. These metrics often include the average view time and percentage time of people that actually watched.

What does engagement mean in wistia?

On the video stats page you’ll see Average Engagement next to the engagement graph. The average engagement for your video’s playback shows you how much attention your viewers are paying to your content. Engagement is calculated by looking at the total plays and multiplying that number by the length of the media.

Do YouTubers know who watched their videos?

Can you see who viewed your YouTube videos? Unfortunately, views on a YouTube video aren’t like views on your Instagram story — you can’t see what users are watching your videos. The analytics provided by YouTube also include information like users’ watch time, traffic sources, and how many people have shared it.

Can YouTubers know who viewed their video?

Can YouTubers see who viewed their video? YouTubers cannot see exactly who has viewed their video, but they can see the percentage of how many viewers are a certain age or what gender they are.

How does GTM track video views?

Make the tag

  1. From the Track Type drop-down, choose ‘Event.
  2. Input ‘Video View’ in the category field.
  3. To the right of the Action field, select the icon to choose a variable.
  4. To the right of the Label field, select the icon and click on “Video Status” from the variable list.

What are good video metrics?

16 Video Metrics Your Boss Actually Cares About

  • Watch Time. Watch time is the total amount of time viewers have spent watching your video.
  • Average View Duration.
  • Average Completion Rate.
  • Audience Retention.
  • Re-watches.
  • Click-Through-Rate.
  • Engagement.
  • Negative Feedback.

How do you evaluate video quality?

Video quality can be evaluated objectively (by mathematical models) or subjectively (by asking users for their rating). Also, the quality of a system can be determined offline (i.e., in a laboratory setting for developing new codecs or services), or in-service (to monitor and ensure a certain level of quality).

Does wistia have an API?

The Wistia player has a built-in JavaScript API, providing you with a variety of ways to create awesome functions and interact with the player.

How do you determine audience retention?

The shape of the audience retention graph can tell you which parts of your video are most and least interesting to viewers. When the line on the chart is flat, it means viewers are watching that part of your video from start to finish. Gradual declines mean viewers are losing interest over time.

How do I integrate Wistia with Google Analytics?

Connect your Wistia account to Google Analytics and automatically publish video events to your GA account. Our advanced integrations with HubSpot, Pardot, and Marketo allow you to score leads, create drip campaigns, and rock out with all of your video data.

How can Wistia help my business?

Use Wistia to bring your audience to you, with tools that make your website (not social media) the go-to destination for your content. Send email notifications for new videos and use viewer data to create custom audiences that let you retarget engaged fans and attract new ones.

Why Wistia video for intercom?

“Video is mission-critical at Intercom—we use it to communicate with customers at every stage of their lifecycle. Wistia makes it possible for us to manage and update existing videos as our product and marketing evolves, without changing URLs or losing historic engagement data and those invaluable customer insights.”

How do you know if your social media video strategy is working?

Get a look at the percentage of viewers who clicked play, percentage viewed, total time watched, CTAs clicked, and more. Check out stats like shares, likes, and comments, for each of your videos shared to social media — in one place. See what’s working in your video strategy with A/B Testing.


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