How can you tell the difference between hypercementosis and Cementoblastoma?

How can you tell the difference between hypercementosis and Cementoblastoma?

Radiographically, the teeth affected by hypercementosis show thickening of the root, surrounded by radiolucent periodontal ligament space, and intact lamina dura. In turn, cementoblastoma is a calcified mass attached to the dental root, with loss of contour due to root resorption and fusion with tumor.

Is hypercementosis common?

Hypercementosis is a common finding in the Indian population, usually seen in association with one or more local or systemic causes.

How is hypercementosis diagnosed?

Symptoms for Hypercementosis The most obvious symptom would be ridges along the tooth’s apex, but there others. For instance you may feel discomfort in the tooth or a painful sensation. The gums might not be able to accommodate all the additional cementum which cuts additional strain on the tooth.

Why does hypercementosis happen?

Hypercementosis is a nonneoplastic deposition of excessive cementum. Most frequently, there is a uniform deposition with a drumstick-like thickening of the apical third of the root. Less commonly and less well known are small focal knots or projections of excess cementum on the lateral or interradicular root surfaces.

Does Hypercementosis cause pain?

Signs and symptoms It is experienced as an uncomfortable sensation in the tooth, followed by an aching pain. It may be noted on radiographs as a radiopaque (or lighter) mass at each root apex.

What is Hypercementosis characterized by?

Hypercementosis is characterized by cementum formation beyond the physiological limits of the tooth. Hypercementosis usually occurs as a generalized thickening of the cementum with nodular enlargement of the apical third of the root.

When a patient has a tooth with Hypercementosis what may be present?

Hypercementosis is an idiopathic, non-neoplastic condition characterized by the excessive buildup of normal cementum (calcified tissue) on the roots of one or more teeth. A thicker layer of cementum can give the tooth an enlarged appearance, which mainly occurs at the apex or apices of the tooth.

How is Cementoblastoma diagnosed?

Diagnosis. A cementoblastoma in a radiograph appears as a well-defined, markedly radiopaque mass, with a radiolucent peripheral line, which overlies and obliterates the tooth root. it is described as having a rounded or sunburst appearance.

What is the cementum?

Cementum is a hard layer of tissue that helps the periodontal ligament attach firmly to a tooth. Made of cementoblasts, cementum slowly forms over a lifetime. Cementum is a hard, calcified layer of tissue that covers the root of the tooth.

What is simple endometrial hyperplasia without atypia?

The topic Simple Endometrial Hyperplasia without Atypia you are seeking is a synonym, or alternative name, or is closely related to the medical condition Benign Endometrial Hyperplasia. Benign Endometrial Hyperplasia is a condition that occurs in the endometrium due to an abnormally increased growth of the endometrial glands.

What is the treatment for complex hyperplasia without atypia?

For women with complex hyperplasia without atypia that progresses to EH with atypia on progestin therapy, hysterectomy is the preferred treatment. Also to know is, what is simple hyperplasia without atypia?

What is benbenign endometrial hyperplasia?

Benign Endometrial Hyperplasia is a condition that occurs in the endometrium due to an abnormally increased growth of the endometrial glands. The condition is also known as Endometrial Hyperplasia without Atypia.

Is levonorgestrel effective in the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia without atypia?

The levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system seems to be an effective and safe alternative in the treatment of peri- and postmenopausal women with (simple) endometrial hyperplasia without atypia. Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia without atypia in peri- and postmenopausal women with a levonorgestrel intrauterine device


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