How common is bladder prolapse after hysterectomy?

How common is bladder prolapse after hysterectomy?

Information on the rate of post-hysterectomy prolapse varies. The cumulative risk is described as 1% three years after hysterectomy and up to 15% fifteen years later. The risk is 5.5 times higher if hysterectomy was performed because of a descensus situation. Other investigations found an incidence of up to 46%.

Can you get a prolapsed bladder after a hysterectomy?

A fallen bladder, also known as cystocele or prolapsed bladder, is common after hysterectomies. It involves the bladder falling into the vaginal canal.

How do you fix a prolapsed bladder after a hysterectomy?

Unless another health problem is present that would require an abdominal incision, the bladder and urethra are usually repaired through an incision in the wall of the vagina. This surgery pulls together the loose or torn tissue in the area of prolapse in the bladder or urethra and strengthens the wall of the vagina.

Can you push a prolapsed bladder back into place?

If you or your child has a rectal prolapse, you may be able to push the prolapse back into place as soon as it occurs. Your doctor will let you know if this is okay to do.

How do you fix a prolapsed bladder without surgery?

The two non-surgical options for prolapse are pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) and a vaginal pessary. PFMT can be effective for mild prolapse but is usually not successful for moderate and advanced prolapse. The main alternative to surgery for prolapse is a vaginal pessary.

Can a prolapsed bladder get better on its own?

Prolapsed organs cannot heal themselves, and most worsen over time. Several treatments are available to correct a prolapsed bladder.

Can a prolapsed bladder heal itself?

What is the recovery time for prolapsed bladder surgery?

You may need 6 to 12 weeks off work to recover, depending on the type of surgery you have. If you’d like to have children in the future, your doctors may suggest delaying surgery because pregnancy can cause the prolapse to happen again.

Can my bladder drop after a hysterectomy?

During a hysterectomy, there is an increased risk of damage to pelvic floor supportive structures which often results in bladder problems after hysterectomy. If during surgery they remove the ovaries, estrogen levels in the body will drop.

Who does surgery for a prolapse bladder?

The urogynecology experts at Main Line Health offer prolapsed bladder surgery as part of female pelvic reconstructive surgery to treat pelvic floor conditions. A urogynecologist is an expert in gynecology with added training in neuro-urologic testing and pelvic reconstructive surgery.

What should I do about bladder prolapse?

Estrogen replacement therapy: Many women with prolapsed bladders may benefit from this therapy. Estrogen helps strengthen and maintain muscles in the vagina. For mild-to-moderate cases of prolapsed bladder, the doctor may recommend activity modification such as avoiding heavy lifting or straining. The doctor may also recommend Kegel exercises.


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