How deep is the Tonle Sap in the wet season?

How deep is the Tonle Sap in the wet season?

During the rainy season from mid-May to beginning October, the water level of the Mekong River is four times higher than in the dry months. Large water quantities flow via the Tonle Sap River in the Tonle Sap Lake, the surface of which can reach up to 16,000 sq. km. Its maximum depth then is about 14 m.

What is Tonle Sap USED FOR?

During the fishing season, Tonle Sap is filled with nets and small boats. One a good day a fisherman may can catch 500 pounds of small fish. Prawns are also drawn from the lake and water is used in crocodile farms.

Where is the Tonle Sap located?

The Tonle Sap Biosphere Reserve is located in the Northeast of Cambodia. It includes the Tonle Sap Lake, the most extensive freshwater lake in South-East Asia, which is located in the centre of the Tonle Sap Basin.

Why is the Tonle Sap Lake drying up?

Drought and dams have pushed Tonle Sap into dangerous decline, threatening its swamp forests and the fish nurseries there that provide most of the nation’s protein. A fishermen drives past a floating village on Tonle Sap.

How many floating villages does Tonle Sap have?

With more than 170 floating villages on Tonle Sap the majority of the 80,000 inhabitants are considered non-immigrant foreigners.

What is the biggest lake in Cambodia?

Tonlé Sap
The largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia, it contains an exceptional large variety of interconnected eco-regions with a high degree of biodiversity and is therefore a biodiversity hotspot….

Tonlé Sap
Basin countries Cambodia
Max. length 250 km (160 mi) (maximum)
Max. width 100 km (62 mi)(maximum)

What is Tonle Sap lake benefits?

The Tonle Sap and the inland waters system in Cambodia support some 500,000 tons of fish each year, and the flooded forests purify water and buffer communities from storms — an increasingly important benefit as climate change makes extreme weather more frequent.

How deep is the Tonle Sap lake?

Tonlé Sap/Max depth

How long is Tonle Sap lake?

155.3 mi
Tonlé Sap/Length

What animals live in Tonle Sap Lake?

The Tonle Sap Great Lake floodplain supports more than half of the world population of a Critically Endangered bird, the Bengal Florican. There are also many other threatened or important species including Sarus Crane, White-shouldered Ibis, and Greater Adjutant.

Is Tonle Sap a natural lake?

The largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia, it contains an exceptional large variety of interconnected eco-regions with a high degree of biodiversity and is therefore a biodiversity hotspot. It was designated a UNESCO biosphere reserve in 1997….

Tonlé Sap
Settlements Siem Reap, Battambang

Why are there floating villages in Cambodia?

Comprised of mainly fishing families, the villagers live on the rim of the lake in wooden stilted houses. During monsoon season – May to October, when 75% of Cambodia’s rain falls and the Tonle Sap Lake water rises by up to 10 metres – their houses seemingly float on the water.


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