How do I access Squid logs?

How do I access Squid logs?

How do I view Squid Log files / logs?

  1. Display log files in real time. Use tail command as follows: # tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log.
  2. Search log files. Use grep command as follows: grep ‘string-to-search’ /var/log/squid/access.log.
  3. View log files. Finally you can use text editor such as vi to view log files:

Where are Squid logs stored?

The default location of the access log file is /usr/local/squid/var/logs/access. log or /var/log/squid/access. log . To change the location of the access log, see the documentation at

What is Squid cache log?

The cache. log file contains the debug and error messages that Squid generates. If you start your Squid using the -s command line option, a copy of certain messages will go into your syslog facilities. It is a matter of personal preferences to use a separate file for the squid log data.

How do you rotate the Squid log?

log, that log can be rotated separately by using debug_options. Note, from Squid-4 this option is only a default for access. log recorded by stdio: module. Those logs can be rotated separately by using the rotate=N option on their access_log directive.

How do I configure Squid?

Install Proxy Server: Squid Proxy

  1. Step1: Update the server sudo yum update -y.
  2. Step 2: Configure EPEL repo.
  3. Step 3: Install squid sudo yum -y install squid.
  4. Step 4: Start and enable squid server.
  5. Step 5: Check the status of squid server.
  6. Step 1: Install httpd-tools sudo yum -y install httpd-tools.

How do I enable logging in Squid?

Enable Squid Proxy logging By default, the Squid Proxy Access log file is at /usr/local/squid/var/logs/access. log . For more information on Squid Proxy access log configurations, see:

How do I rotate var log messages in Linux manually?

If you want to rotate /var/log/syslog it needs to be listed in a logrotate config file somewhere, and you just run logrotate . If it rotated recently, then logrotate -f to force it to do it again. So, you need that in a file, normally either /etc/logrotate. conf or as a file snippet in /etc/logrotate.

How do I change the logrotate time?

If you have Webmin/Virtualmin installed on your server you can change your logrotate execution time easier: Just go to Webmin -> Scheduled Cron Jobs and Select daily cron. Modify it as you want and save it.

How do I view squid log files / logs?

How do I view Squid Log files / logs? You can use standard UNIX / Linux command such as grep / tail to view log files. You must login as root or sudo command to view log files. Display log files in real time

How to find out who is using Squid server?

/var/log/squid/access.log : Most log file analysis program are based on the entries in access.log. You can use this file to find out who is using squid server and what they are doing etc /var/log/squid/cache.log : The cache.log file contains the debug and error messages that Squid generates.

How to enable site-blocking squid logs on Ubuntu?

Squid logs are configured by default in /var/log/squid/access.log. You can change this setting via cache_access_log in /etc/squid/squid.conf (but remember to sudo service squid restart after making the change). You could tail -f that file. For site-blocking, I recommend using jesred, which is available in the Ubuntu archive already.

How do I view log files in Linux?

You can use standard UNIX / Linux command such as grep / tail to view log files. You must login as root or sudo command to view log files.


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