How do I add recent posts to slider in WordPress?

How do I add recent posts to slider in WordPress?


  1. Upload the ‘wp-recent-post-slider’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
  2. Activate the “wp-recent-post-slider with Widget” list plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Add this short code where you want to display recent post slider. [recent_post_slider]

How do I show all posts in WordPress homepage?

List All WordPress Posts on Your Homepage. If you’d like all your posts displayed on your front page along with the content of the posts, you can easily do that by going to the Reading Settings screen (Settings > Reading) and changing the number of posts to show to something more than the number of posts you have.

How do I show posts on my home page?

If you want your posts to show up on the home page and WordPress isn’t already doing this for you, here’s how you do it. In the WordPress admin, go to Settings > Reading. Find the section called Your homepage displays and select the Your latest posts option. Click the Save Changes button and go back to your home page.

How do I show the categories on my WordPress homepage?

In order to display that page, you just need to do some simple steps: Go to Posts → Categories. Navigate to Categories, then click View under your desired category….Viewing Directly

  1. Go to Settings → Permalinks.
  2. Choose Custom Structure.
  3. Add /%category%/%postname%/ after your domain.
  4. Enter “.” to Category base.

How do I get recent posting images in WordPress?

Using The WordPress Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the ‘Add New’ in the plugins dashboard.
  2. Search for ‘Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails’
  3. Click ‘Install Now’
  4. Activate the plugin on the Plugin dashboard.
  5. Go to ‘Appearance’ => ‘Widgets’ and select ‘Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails’

How do I display recent blog posts on my WordPress homepage?

One of the easiest ways to display recent blog posts on your WordPress Homepage is with the Lastest Post Gutenberg block. The Lastest Post block can also be added to your inside pages as well. To add the block:

How to add recent posts by category in WordPress?

Adding Recent Posts by Category Using Block Editor By default, WordPress comes with the latest posts block in the block editor. It allows you to easily display recent posts inside a page or post, and you can even filter them by category. First, you need to edit the post or page where you want to display the recent posts by category.

What is recentrecent posts extended widget in WordPress?

Recent Posts Extended widget comes with a lot options and gives you full control on how you want to display recent posts on your WordPress site. You can show thumbnails, excerpts, limit categories and tags, ignore sticky posts, and much more. You can even use the widget to display recent posts from any other post type on your site.

How to add latest posts in WordPress block editor?

The WordPress block (Gutenberg) editor has a built-in block for displaying your latest posts. You can easily add this to any of the posts or pages on your site. To use this block, simply edit the post where you to display recent posts. On the post edit screen, you need to add the ‘Latest Posts’ block to the content area.


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