How do I become a Medicaid provider in Alabama?

How do I become a Medicaid provider in Alabama?

Contact Provider Enrollment at 1-888-223-3630 or visit the Provider Enrollment page of the Medicaid website,, under the Providers tab for instructions and forms to enroll.

What is Alabama Medicaid group number?

Contacts for Providers

Main Address/Telephone Number 301 Technacenter Drive, Montgomery, AL 36117, (334) 215-0111
Provider Assistance Center (800) 688-7989 (Nationwide Toll-Free) or (334) 215-0111
Provider Enrollment (888) 223-3630 (Nationwide Toll-Free) or (334) 215-0111

How long does Medicaid credentialing take?

The credentialing process can take up to 120 calendar days. The CMOs strives to process complete credentialing applications much sooner.

How many Alabamians are on Medicaid?

How many people are on Alabama Medicaid? Over 1 million Alabama residents qualified for Medicaid at least one month of the year in FY 2020. This means about 1 of every 4 Alabamians had some form of Medicaid coverage at some point during the year.

What is a Dmepos supplier?

DMEPOS stands for durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies. Page 2. DMEPOS supplier means an entity or individual, including a physician or a Part A provider, which sells or rents Part B covered items to Medicare beneficiaries and which meets the standards in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section …

Does Alabama have managed Medicaid?

MONTGOMERY, Ala. – The Alabama Medicaid agency now has contracts worth up to nearly $89 million with seven private entities to manage the care of most Medicaid recipients under a new system the agency says will result in better care.

How often are providers credentialed?

Healthcare Credentialing FAQs Healthcare providers need to be re-credentialed at least every three years. Some healthcare facilities or insurance companies perform recredentialing even more often.

Is there Medicaid in Alabama?

Medicaid is a wide-ranging health insurance program for low-income individuals of all ages. Jointly funded by the state and federal government, it provides health coverage for diverse groups of Alabama residents, including pregnant women, parents and caretaker relatives, adults with no dependent children, disabled individuals, and seniors.

Where is the Medicaid office in Montgomery Alabama?

Medicaid Office Location. Alabama Medicaid Agency. 501 Dexter Avenue PO Box 5624. Montgomery, AL 36103. Medicaid Office Phone Number. The phone number to call the Alabama Medicaid office is 800-362-1504 or in state call 334-242-5000.

What is Medicaid prior authorization?

Certain medical services and equipment require you to get permission from your Medicaid agency before they will cover the costs. “Prior authorization” is a process for a Medicaid agency to review a request for services or equipment before the services or equipment are provided to you.

What is a Medicaid claim?

How To File A Medicaid Claim. Medicaid insurance is a program of the federal and state government to help low-income individuals and families cope with the costs of health care. Pregnant women, children, people with disabilities, and the elderly are among those that are given health coverage under the program.


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