How do I bundle a product in WooCommerce?

How do I bundle a product in WooCommerce?

How to create WooCommerce bundle products with the built-in feature

  1. Create a new product. To make WooCommerce bundle products, start by going to the WordPress dashboard and clicking on Products > Add New.
  2. Edit product data. Scroll down to the Product data box.
  3. Upload images and choose categories.
  4. Test your bundled product.

How do I use WooCommerce shortcodes?

Using WooCommerce Shortcodes Navigate to shortcodes page to view the list of shortcodes you can use. To apply one of the shortcodes you need to copy it to the clipboard and navigate to Pages > Add new tab on the left of the Dashboard. Paste the shortcode into the content field, and publish the page.

Does WooCommerce do shortcode product categories?

WooCommerce product categories shortcode The Product categories shortcodes lists your product categories, instead of the products within them. For example: [product_categories limit=”4″ orderby=”name” order=”ASC”] will list any 4 of your WooCommerce categories, ordered by name.

How do you create a product bundle?

Product Bundle Strategies

  1. Put Complimentary Products Together. Bundles best work when you combine products that are often purchased together.
  2. Sell Items Separately.
  3. Use Recommendations.
  4. Pair Products Smartly.
  5. Keep Bundles Nice and Simple.

What is a bundle set?

In a bundle pricing, companies sell a package or set of goods or services for a lower price than they would charge if the customer bought all of them separately. Pursuing a bundle pricing strategy allows you to increase your profit by using a discount to induce customers to buy more than they otherwise would have.

What are WooCommerce grouped products?

So, in short, a grouped product in WooCommerce is a collection of simple or single products displayed together. Customers can then buy any, or none of the products from the group.

How do I use short codes in WordPress?

To use short codes inside your WordPress Widgets sidebar:

  1. Log in to the WordPress Dashboard with your login details.
  2. In the navigation menu, click “Pages”
  3. Click the Page you want to edit.
  4. Click “Text”
  5. Add shortcode.
  6. Click “Update” to save your changes. Now you can insert shortcuts into a text widget as well as content.

How do I categorize a product in WooCommerce?

Show WooCommerce Product Category in a Menu

  1. Go to Appearance -> Menus.
  2. Click on Screen Options from top left and check Product Categories.
  3. Now on the left pane a Product Categories tab will show up.
  4. Click on Product Categories tab to expand, select the categories.
  5. Click on Save menu.

What are bundles of products?

Product bundling is the term for several individual goods or services sold together as a combined package at a lower price than if they were sold individually. Common examples of product bundles are value meals at restaurants, beach kits, or shampoo and conditioner sets.


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