How do I change the number of posts displayed on WordPress?

How do I change the number of posts displayed on WordPress?

By default, WordPress is set to show ten posts per page. To change the number of pages go to Settings menu>Reading sub-menu. On the page that opens you will see Blog pages show at most. Type the number of posts you would like to display and click on the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.

How do I see more pages on WordPress?

Step 2: Hover over the Posts tab at the left side of the window, then choose the All Posts option. Step 3: Click the Screen Options button at the top-right of the window. Step 4: Click inside the Number of items per page field, enter the desired number of posts per page, then click the Apply button.

How do I see all posts on Blogger?

Go to your Main Page and click the “Edit” button in the upper right corner of the Blog Posts module. You will see several options for what you can display on the main page. For how much of each blog post to display, select either “Detail View” or “Titles Only” from the Display drop-down menu.

Can a blog have multiple pages?

You Can’t Have Multiple Blogs. At least, not by default. The way that the WordPress Core is set up, each installation is an individual site. It has one database with one set of users tied to it.

How do I show more than 20 posts on WordPress admin?

Go to your comments screen. Now click the little screen options tab on the top corner. In the drop down panel, where it says Number of items per page, change it from 20 to a larger number. Click Apply.

How do I limit the number of posts on a WordPress page?

2. With infinite scroll disabled you may set the number of posts displayed per page at My Site(s) > Settings > Writing > Content types. The number can be changed by simply clicking on the up/down arrows. When you’ve reached the desired number, save the change.

What is the difference between pages and posts in WordPress?

In a nutshell, pages are used for static content, whereas posts are for more timely content that is regularly updated. Depending on your website, you can have any combination of pages and posts.

How do I create a category page in Blogger?

Mouse over the post you want to add categorized subheaders to and then select “Edit.” Click “Labels” on the right side of the Blogger interface. Type your category into the text field. Add multiple categories by separating each with a comma.

How do I link a post to a page in Blogger?

  1. Sign in to Blogger.
  2. In the top left, select a blog.
  3. From the menu on the left, click Layout.
  4. In the “Page List (Top)” section next to “Pages,” click Edit .
  5. Under “Pages to show,” click + Add external link.
  6. Enter the page title and URL and click Save Link. Save.

How many blogs can I create in Blogger?

How many blogs can you have? You can create up to 100 blogs under 1 Google Account.

How do I create multiple pages on Blogger?

Add pages to your blog

  1. Sign in to Blogger.
  2. In the top left, select a blog.
  3. From the menu on the left, click Layout.
  4. In the section you want your pages to show, click Add a Gadget.
  5. In the window, next to “Pages”, click Add .
  6. Set your settings and click Save.
  7. To save the arrangement, in the bottom right, click Save .


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