How do I compare data in two columns in Excel to find unique values?

How do I compare data in two columns in Excel to find unique values?

Example: Compare Two Columns and Highlight Mismatched Data

  1. Select the entire data set.
  2. Click the Home tab.
  3. In the Styles group, click on the ‘Conditional Formatting’ option.
  4. Hover the cursor on the Highlight Cell Rules option.
  5. Click on Duplicate Values.
  6. In the Duplicate Values dialog box, make sure ‘Unique’ is selected.

How do I get a unique list from two columns in Excel?

How to create an array formula

  1. Select cell C2.
  2. Press with left mouse button on in formula bar.
  3. Press and hold Ctrl+ Shift.
  4. Press Enter.
  5. Release all keys.

How do I compare unique values in Excel?

Select both columns of data that you want to compare. On the Home tab, in the Styles grouping, under the Conditional Formatting drop down choose Highlight Cells Rules, then Duplicate Values. On the Duplicate Values dialog box select the colors you want and click OK. Notice Unique is also a choice.

How do I compare two columns in Excel for greater than?

The “greater than or equal to” symbol (>=) is written in Excel by typing the “greater than” (>) sign followed by the “equal to” (=) operator. The operator “>=” is placed between two numbers or cell references to be compared. For example, type the formula as “=A1>=A2” in Excel.

How do I get unique values from two columns?

Select Text option from the Formula Type drop down list; Then choose Extract cells with unique values (include the first duplicate) from the Choose a fromula list box; In the right Arguments input section, select a list of cells that you want to extract unique values.

Why don’t I have the unique function in Excel?

Note. Currently the UNIQUE function is only available in Excel for Microsoft 365 and Excel 2021. Excel 2019, 2016 and earlier do not support dynamic array formulas, so the UNIQUE function is not available in these versions.

How do I compare two columns in Excel for differences?

To compare two columns and count differences by cells, you can use the Conditional Formatting function to highlight the duplicates first, then use the Filter function to count the total differences. 1. Select the column you want to count the differences, click Home > Conditional Formatting > New Rule.

How do you match and return values in Excel?

The MATCH function searches for a specified item in a range of cells, and then returns the relative position of that item in the range. For example, if the range A1:A3 contains the values 5, 25, and 38, then the formula =MATCH(25,A1:A3,0) returns the number 2, because 25 is the second item in the range.

How do I compare two columns in Excel for less than?

The Conditional Formatting feature in Excel is powerful, here you can use it to compare two columns cells by cells and then highlight the differences or matches as you need. 1. Select two columns that you will compare with, then click Home > Conditional Formatting > Highlight Cells Rules > Duplicate Values.

How do I get unique values in Excel?

To extract a list of unique values in Excel, use one of the following formulas.

  1. Array unique values formula (completed by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Enter):
  2. Array distinct formula (requires pressing Ctrl + Shift + Enter):
  3. Array formula to get case-sensitive distinct values (requires pressing Ctrl + Shift + Enter)

How do you match two columns in Excel?

Sometimes you may need not only match two columns in two different tables, but also pull matching entries from the second table. Microsoft Excel provides a special function for such purposes – the VLOOKUP function. As an alternative, you can use more powerful and versatile INDEX & MATCH formulas.

How to VLOOKUP 2 columns?

Add the helping column at the beginning,joining the first two columns

  • Select cell H4 and click on it
  • Insert the formula: =VLOOKUP (H2&H3,$B$2:$E$7,4,0)
  • Press enter
  • How to compare data in two columns to find duplicates in Excel?

    Open the worksheet (or worksheets) where the columns you want to compare are located.

  • Select any cell within the 1st column,switch to the Ablebits Data tab and click the Compare Tables button:
  • On step 1 of the wizard,you will see that your first column is already selected,so simply click Next . Note.
  • On step 2 of the wizard,select the 2nd column that you want to compare against. We choose Sheet2 in the same workbook.
  • Choose to find Duplicate values:
  • Pick the pair of columns you want to compare: Tip. If you are comparing tables,you can choose several column pairs for comparison,for example,first and last name.
  • And finally,you are to decide what you want to do with found dupes.
  • Click Finish and enjoy the result. What we have now is a nice,clean table with no duplicates:
  • Can you compare two columns in Excel?

    Compare two sheets in Excel. If you’re comparing data from two different sheets within the same workbook, you can use conditional formatting to do comparisons. Open the sheet upon which you want to highlight the duplicates. Select the first cell in the spreadsheet, A1 usually and press Ctrl + Shift + End.


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