How do I convert a SAM file to a BAM file?

How do I convert a SAM file to a BAM file?

To convert SAM to BAM, we use the samtools view command. We must specify that our input is in SAM format (by default it expects BAM) using the -S option. We must also say that we want the output to be BAM (by default it produces BAM) with the -b option.

How do I retrieve unmapped messages?

The process is done in two steps: Extracting the unmapped reads into a readname sorted BAM file. Converting the BAM file to fastq read files….Filter Alignments for unmapped pairs

  1. An unmapped read whose mate is mapped.
  2. A mapped read who’s mate is unmapped.
  3. Both reads of the pair are unmapped.

How do I open a BAM file in Linux?

The way to visualise BAM files as text in Linux is with tools like samtools. If you want to see the raw binary information as slightly more human-readable, you can run hexdump -C

How do I index a BAM file IGV?

Visualizing a BED, BAM or GTF file from a URL In IGV, select File > Load from URL … A window will pop up and ask you to give the correct URL for the file you want to view. Paste in the URL and the file will be downloaded. From the file extension, IGV will automatically treat the information in the file accordingly.

How long does SAMtools sort take?

Our results show that sambamba was 2x faster than SAMtools. The following violin plot shows that SAMtools took 20 minutes while sambamba could sort the same file in 10 minutes.

How many reads in a BAM file?

391696 is the number of mapped alignments in the BAM file.

How do I view unmapped BAM files?

Answer: You can identify the unmapped reads using the flags from column 2 in in the BAM file. These flags are described in the SAM/BAM specification here. The flag identifying an un-mapped read is the number 4. But if you only took the BAM entries with a 4 in column 2 you would miss some unaligned reads.

How do I open a BAM file?

BAM files can be opened from remote locations (ftp, http) and from local computers. For viewing BAM files, an index file must be found in the same directory as the BAM file. The index should be named by appending “. bai” to the BAM file name.

How do I convert between Sam and Bam?

Samtools can be used to convert between sam and bam: And to convert between sam and bam: This will produce a sorted, indexed bam. This will create the files thing.bam and thing.bam.bai. To use a bam you must have an index file.

How do I make a BAM file with SAMtools?

We must also say that we want the output to be BAM (by default it produces BAM) with the -b option. Samtools follows the UNIX convention of sending its output to the UNIX STDOUT, so we need to use a redirect operator (“>”) to create a BAM file from the output.

How do I Capture the flag field in BAM format?

One can ask the view command to report solely the header by using the -H option. Capture the FLAG. As we discussed earlier, the FLAG field in the BAM format encodes several key pieces of information regarding how an alignment aligned to the reference genome.

How do I read a BAM file?

Always sort your BAM files; many downstream programs only take sorted BAM files. Like many Unix tools, SAMTools is able to read directly from a stream i.e. stdout. A BAM index file is usually needed when visualising a BAM file. Note: remember to use -h to ensure the converted SAM file contains the header information.


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