How do I drop all tables in a schema in SQL Server?

How do I drop all tables in a schema in SQL Server?

Drop Tables from SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

  1. Expand Databases dropdown.
  2. Expand database.
  3. Expand Tables.
  4. Right click on a table name.
  5. Delete.

How do I drop a schema in DB2?

It is not allowed to drop the schema in db2. And there is another way to drop the schema and all objects in it. ADMIN_DROP_SCHEMA procedure – Drop a specific schema and its objects. by the way: You need to have sufficient permission to drop object.

How do I drop all tables in a SQL database?

If you want to use only one SQL query to delete all tables you can use this: EXEC sp_MSforeachtable @command1 = “DROP TABLE?” This is a hidden Stored Procedure in sql server, and will be executed for each table in the database you’re connected.

What is sp_MSforeachtable?

sp_MSforeachtable is a stored procedure that is mostly used to apply a T-SQL command to every table, iteratively, that exists in the current database.

How do I drop a schema?

First, specify the name of the schema that you want to drop. If the schema contains any objects, the statement will fail. Therefore, you must delete all objects in the schema before removing the schema. Second, use the IF EXISTS option to conditionally remove the schema only if the schema exists.

Can we delete all tables in Servicenow?

To delete an entire table, you can do so from Tables & Columns. Navigate to System Definition > Tables & Columns.

Where is sp_MSforeachdb?

The SP “sp_MSforeachdb” is found in the “master” database and especially useful when you’re performing database administration and maintenance tasks, such as backup operations.

How can I get all table names used in a stored procedure in SQL Server?

Using below mentioned important T-SQL query, we can get the list of the tables used in the stored procedure.

  1. SELECT.
  2. NAME as ‘List Of Tables’
  7. WHERE SO. NAME = ‘Sp_ListTables’ —-name of stored procedures.
  8. AND SD.ID = SO.ID.

What happens if you skip drop table in DB2?

If you skip it, the statement will delete the specified table in the current schema. Second, specify the name of the table that you want to drop. When you use the DROP TABLE statement to delete a table, Db2 performs the following actions: Delete all data in the table permanently.

How do you Drop a table from a schema?

To do this, you use the DROP TABLE statement as follows: First, specify the name of the schema to which the table belongs. The schema is optional. If you skip it, the statement will delete the specified table in the current schema. Second, specify the name of the table that you want to drop.

How do I drop a table in SQL Server?

db2 “Select ‘DROP TABLE ‘, tabname, ‘;’ from syscat.tables where owner=’DBUSER'” >> filename Delete the very first line and last line of the file and run it using, db2 -tvf filename. This way we can also save the log of tables we have dropped.

How do I delete a table from a database in SQL?

Sometimes, you may want to delete one or more unused tables from a database. To do this, you use the DROP TABLE statement as follows: First, specify the name of the schema to which the table belongs. The schema is optional. If you skip it, the statement will delete the specified table in the current schema.


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