How do I get from Hong Kong Airport to Guangzhou?

How do I get from Hong Kong Airport to Guangzhou?

How to Travel from Hong Kong Airport to Guangzhou

  1. Long-distance bus is the most popular way to go from Hong Kong Airport to Guangzhou with the travel time of around 3 hours and the ticket fare of HKD250.
  2. Ferry has fewer schedules than the long-distance buses, but takes a shorter time of about 70 / 100 minutes.

How long does it take to drive from Hong Kong to Guangzhou?

The direct distance from Guangzhou to Hong Kong is about 136 kilometers (84.5 miles), about 2-3.5 hours by car.

Can you fly from Hong Kong to Guangzhou?

Travel by flight from Hong Kong to Guangzhou. Believe it or not, there are flights from Hong Kong to Guangzhou even they are so close. The flight operated by Dragon Air and Cathy Pacific Airways takes one hour only, but the price is quite expensive like US$180 for one way only.

Do you need a visa to go from Hong Kong to Guangzhou?

Do I Need a Visa to Travel to Guangzhou? You need a Chinese visa to visit Guangzhou, but you don’t need one to enter Hong Kong, which is technically one of China’s Special Administrative Regions.

Is there Uber in Guangzhou?

Uber first launched in China last year and its service is now available in the capital, Beijing, as well as the cities of Hangzhou, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

Do I need visa for Guangzhou?

Guangzhou 24/144-Hour Visa-free Transit & Visa on Arrival 2021. Do I need a visa for Guangzhou China? A Chinese Visa is needed for regular visit for Guangzhou.

How do you get to Guangzhou?

Guangzhou Transportation Most tourists prefer to use the city’s several big bullet train stations for domestic travel. Guangzhou is 144-hour-visa-free for transit via Baiyun Airport. This permits you to travel around all of Guangdong Province including Shenzhen, contact us for a layover tour in Guangzhou.

How long can I stay in Guangzhou without a visa?

Taking advantage of the 144-Hour Visa-free Transit Policy, foreigners can stay in Guangzhou and Guangdong for up to 6 days without a Chinese Visa.


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