How do I hide the author name in WordPress?

How do I hide the author name in WordPress?

After, installing it on your website, simply head over to ‘Plugins’ and click on Hide/Remove Metadata to open its settings. Then activate it. After activating the plugin, choose it from the right side of WordPress and as it is displayed in the image below, choose hide author option to hide the author’s name.

How do I get rid of author page in WordPress?

To disable or enable author archive pages, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your WordPress website.
  2. Click on ‘SEO’ in the sidebar.
  3. Click on ‘Search Appearance’.
  4. Click on the ‘Archives’ tab.
  5. Toggle the ‘Author archives’ switch to match your site setup.
  6. Click ‘Save Changes’.

How do I change the author name on WordPress?

Here’s how to change the author to another user in the classic editor:

  1. Click the “Screen Options” button on the top-right of the page.
  2. Check the “Author” checkbox.
  3. Scroll down – you’ll see the “Author” dropdown box below the post.
  4. Change the author and click “Update”

How do you remove an author name?

How to delete an author name in an Office document (Word, PowerPoint, or Excel)

  1. Open the document. NOTE: If you want to change the author name in a template, right-click on the template, and select Open to open the template.
  2. Go to File > Info.
  3. Right click on the author’s name.
  4. Select Remove Person.

How do I change my display name on WordPress?

Change Your Display Name – WordPress

  1. Go to your Edit my profile in the upper right of the Admin Bar under Howdy.
  2. Add a nickname if you want to use something not already listed.
  3. Choose your Display Name from the drop down list.
  4. Click Update Profile at the bottom of the page.

How do I turn off the author box in WordPress?

From your WordPress dashboard, go to: Extra > Theme Options > Layout > Single Post Layout. There you’ll find a “Show Author Box” option. Just toggle it to “Disable”.

How to display author box below WordPress posts?

Method 1: Author Box Below WordPress Posts Using Plugin. Most site owners want to display author information at the end of a post. Here is how you can easily display an author info box at the end of WordPress posts. First thing you need to do is install and activate the Guerrilla’s Author Box plugin.

How to change the author bio of a WordPress article?

This way you can choose a method that works best for your site. If your WordPress theme comes with an author information box below each article, then you can simply use that to display your author bio. In order to make use of it, you will simply need to visit Users » All Users page. From here you need to edit the user you want to change.

How do I add an author to my WordPress blog post?

For a single-author WordPress blog, you can just add an about me page, but for a multi-author WordPress sites, you’ll need to add an author info box below each post. This helps your users learn more about individual authors on your website.

How to automatically detect author’s information in WordPress?

The most important option that you need to check is the checkbox next to ‘Automatically detect author’ option. Click on the Save button to store your widget settings. You can now visit your website to see the author’s information widget in action. This plugin fetches user information from their WordPress profile.


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