How do I monitor IIS performance?

How do I monitor IIS performance?

How to Monitor IIS Performance

  1. Perform HTTP Testing. By setting up a simple HTTP check that runs every minute, you can get a threshold, which you can use to determine whether the site is up or down.
  2. Use Performance Monitor.
  3. Use Task Manager.
  4. Use Event Viewer.
  5. Use Recommended Counter Monitors.

How does Apache measure performance?

Apache Web Server Metrics

  1. Requests per second. This metric is specifically used to measure the server performance.
  2. Bytes per second. This metric measures the amount of information being transferred in and out of the server.
  3. Bytes per request.
  4. Uptime.

What is Apache HTTP server monitor?

The Apache monitor collects metrics such as the number of busy workers, number of idle workers, requests per second, Kbytes served per second, Kbytes per request, CPU usage, and memory consumption.

How do I monitor IIS application pool?

Monitor IIS application pools

  1. Click Add Node then enter the hostname or IP address of the Intranet web server.
  2. Check the ICMP (Ping only) check box and then click Next.
  3. From the Add Application Monitors page, click Next.
  4. From the Change Properties page, Click OK, Add Node.

How is server performance measured?

Key Server Performance Metrics For Actionable Monitoring

  1. 1: Requests per second (RPS)
  2. 2: Uptime.
  3. 3: Error rates.
  4. 4: Thread count.
  5. 5: System-level performance metrics.
  6. 6: Average response time (ART)
  7. 7: Peak response times (PRT)
  8. 8: Security-related metrics.

How do I monitor my Apache server?

10 Best Practices for Monitoring Apache Server Metrics

  1. Analyze Processing Time to Catch Poor Performance.
  2. Monitor Bytes to See Server Limitations.
  3. Track Uptime for Insight into Outages.
  4. Measure Load for a Useful Overview.
  5. Use Memory Metrics to Distribute Resources.
  6. Measure Efficiency With Multi-Processing Modules.

What causes IIS restart?

Common reasons for causing ASP.NET web applications to restart. One AppPool and be use for hosting multiple Web Applications. Aach AppPool can issue one or multiple working processes depending on the AppPool settings (Maximum Workwer Processes [maxProcesses], default is 1)

What is w3wp EXE process?

“An Internet Information Services (IIS) worker process is a Windows process (w3wp.exe) which runs web applications, and is responsible for handling requests sent to a web Server for a specific application pool.”

How do I optimize IIS?

Apply IIS configuration options to improve IIS performance

  1. Log only essential information or completely disable IIS logging.
  2. Disable IIS ASP debugging in production environments.
  3. Tune the value of the ASP Threads Per Processor Limit property.
  4. Tune the value of the ASP Queue Length property.


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