How do I mount autofs?

How do I mount autofs?

Steps to mount nfs share using Autofs in CentOS 7

  1. Step:1 Install autofs package.
  2. Step:2 Edit the Master map file (/etc/auto.
  3. Step:2 Create a map file ‘/etc/auto.
  4. Step:3 Start the auotfs service.
  5. Step:3 Now try to access the mount point.
  6. Step:1 Install the autofs package using apt-get command.

What is a main benefit of using automount over mount?

In summary, the benefits of automount are: Booting time is significantly reduced because no mounting is done at boot time. Network access and efficiency are improved by reducing the number of permanently active mount points.

Where is Auto Master in Linux?

The default location of the master map is /etc/auto. master but an alternate name may be given on the command line when running the automounter and the default master map may changed by setting the MASTER_MAP_NAME configuration variable in /etc/sysconfig/autofs.

How do I permanently mount NFS share in Linux?

Use the following procedure to automatically mount an NFS share on Linux systems:

  1. Set up a mount point for the remote NFS share: sudo mkdir /var/backups.
  2. Open the /etc/fstab file with your text editor : sudo nano /etc/fstab.
  3. Run the mount command in one of the following forms to mount the NFS share:

Why do we need autofs?

Purpose. The goal of autofs is to provide on-demand mounting and race free automatic unmounting of various other filesystems. This provides two key advantages: There is no need to delay boot until all filesystems that might be needed are mounted.

Do I need autofs?

How do I start autofs?

The correct way to start the automount daemon is by running the /usr/sbin/automount script. The /usr/sbin/autofsmount entry in the automount script calls the code path where we load the kernel extension and read the maps to setup the autofs mounts.

How do I check automount?

Use the mmlsconfig command to verify the automountdir directory. The default automountdir is named /gpfs/automountdir. If the GPFS file system mount point is not a symbolic link to the GPFS automountdir directory, then accessing the mount point will not cause the automounter to mount the file system.

How check autofs mount Linux?

Steps to follow if automount fails to mount on Linux

  1. First, verify that GPFS is up and running.
  2. Use the mmlsconfig command to verify the automountdir directory.
  3. If the command /bin/ls -ld of the mount point shows a directory, then run the command mmrefresh -f.

What is the auto mount option?

It is an autofs specific option that is a pseudo mount option and so is given without a leading dash. It may be used with indirect map entries only, either in the master map (so it effects all map entries) or with individual map entries.

What is the purpose of the auto master map in autofs?

The auto.master map is consulted to set up automount managed mount points when the autofs (8) script is invoked or the automount (8) program is run. Each line describes a mount point and refers to an autofs map describing file systems to be mounted under the mount point.

What are the automounter maps?

The automounter maps are FILE, NIS, NISPLUS or LDAP maps referred to by the master map of the automounter (see auto.master (5) ). These maps describe how file systems below the mount point of the map (given in the master map) are to be mounted.

How do I mount a map using autofs?

The following entry in auto.master tells autofs to look in /etc/auto.smb, and create mount points in the /smb directory. Direct mounts create a mount point at the path specified inside the relevant map file. Instead of specifying the mount point in auto.master, replace the mount point field with /-.


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