How do I ping a specific port in CMD?

How do I ping a specific port in CMD?

The easiest way to ping a specific port is to use the telnet command followed by the IP address and the port that you want to ping. You can also specify a domain name instead of an IP address followed by the specific port to be pinged. The “telnet” command is valid for Windows and Unix operating systems.

How do I ping an IP address with a port number?

Ping a Specific Port Using Telnet

  1. To check whether telnet is already installed, open a terminal window and enter telnet .
  2. If telnet is not installed, install it using the following command.
  3. To ping a port using telnet, enter the following command in the terminal: telnet

How check port is open in CMD?

Press the Windows key + R, then type “cmd.exe” and click OK. Enter “telnet + IP address or hostname + port number” (e.g., telnet 1723 or telnet 10.17. xxx. xxx 5000) to run the telnet command in Command Prompt and test the TCP port status.

How do I ping in cmd loop?

Type “-t” after the IP address to run the ping continuously or ” -n x”, replacing x with the desired number of packets to be sent. Press Enter to begin the Ping.

What port number does Ping use?

The TCP and UDP protocol number 7 is assigned for a simple ping service port where both TCP and UDP protocol can be used to make ping tests.

How do I check if port 8443 is open?

Checking Open TCP Ports

  1. In a Web Browser open URL: http::8873/vab .
  2. In a Web Browser open URL: http::8443 .
  3. If TLS/SSL is turned on please repeat the above tests for the appropriate ports (default 8973 & 9443)

How do you check port 22 is open or not?

We can use the following command to check if TCP port 22 is opened or not on your Linux box:

  1. Run the ss command and it will display output if port 22 opened: sudo ss -tulpn | grep :22.
  2. Another option is to use the netstat: sudo netstat -tulpn | grep :22.
  3. We can also use the lsof command to see if ssh port 22 status:

How do you check 443 port is enabled or not?

You can test whether the port is open by attempting to open an HTTPS connection to the computer using its domain name or IP address. To do this, you type in your web browser’s URL bar, using the actual domain name of the server, or, using the server’s actual numeric IP address.

How do I ping 1000 times in CMD?

Windows OS

  1. Hold the Windows key and press the R key to open the Run dialog box.
  2. Type cmd and click OK.
  3. Type ping -l 600 -n 100 followed by an external web address that responds to pings. For example: ping -l 600 -n 100
  4. Press Enter.

How do I ping a command prompt with multiple IP addresses?


  1. Press the “Windows” key and type “command.” Right-click “Command Prompt” and choose “Run As Administrator…” Confirm the request.
  2. Use the DOS “FOR” command to create a loop from one to 254, the range of valid IP addresses on a network.

Does ping use ICMP?

ICMP is probably most well known as the message protocol used for the ping command. A ping command sends an ICMP echo request to the target host. The target host responds with an echo reply.

How do you Ping a particular port?

In the command prompt window, type “telnet” followed by a space, then an IP address or domain name followed by another space, and then the port number. For example, to check whether you can connect to port 80 on, you type “telnet 80” in the command prompt window.

Which port is standard for Ping?

ICMP (ping) 22 (ssh) 27017 (The default port for mongod and mongos instances) 27018 (The default port when running with –shardsvr)

How do you Ping An IP address in command prompt?

Type Command Prompt in the search box of Windows 10 and then select the best-matched one.

  • Then right-click to choose Run as administrator. (You can read the post Command Prompt Windows 10: Tell Your Windows to Take to learn more ways to open Command Prompt as
  • Then type the ping IP cmd ping hostname or ping IP address and hit Enter to continue.
  • How to use the ping command?

    Press the Windows Key+X or Right Click on the start menu

  • Select either Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell
  • Type Ping followed by the IP Address of the device you want to ping. For example,if you want to test your connection to the internet,type: ping
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