How do I query an rpm package?

How do I query an rpm package?

To view all the files of an installed rpm packages, use the -ql (query list) with rpm command.

How can I tell which version of rpm is installed?

If you want to know the version of an installed package : rpm -q YOURPACKAGE This works on all RPM systems.

Which rpm command is used to query particular package?

Query all the RPM Packages using rpm -qa You can use rpm command to query all the packages installed in your system.

How can we get complete details about rpm?

This section contains an overview of each mode. For complete details and options, try rpm –help or man rpm. You can also refer to Section 10.5, “Additional Resources” for more information on RPM.

Where is rpm package installed?

you can check by using “rpm -ql ” command, while if you are concerned about the database about packages then it is stored in “/var/lib/rpm”.

Which rpm package provides a file?

Specifically, an RPM package consists of the cpio archive, which contains the files, and the RPM header, which contains metadata about the package. The rpm package manager uses this metadata to determine dependencies, where to install files, and other information. There are two types of RPM packages: source RPM (SRPM)

Where is RPM package installed?

What is RPM version?

RPM is a powerful software manager which can be used to build, install, query, verify, update, and uninstall individual software packages. An RPM package consists of an archive of files, and package information such as name, version, a description and information about dependencies on other RPM packages.

What is RPM query?

rpm is a powerful Package Manager for Red Hat, Suse and Fedora Linux. It can be used to build, install, query, verify, update, and remove/erase individual software packages. A Package consists of an archive of files, and package information, including name, version, and description: Syntax. Description.

Where are RPM packages stored?

Most files pertaining to RPM are kept in the /var/lib/rpm/ directory. For more information on RPM, refer to the chapter Chapter 10, Package Management with RPM. The /var/cache/yum/ directory contains files used by the Package Updater, including RPM header information for the system.


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