How do I redirect a standard output to a variable in Python?

How do I redirect a standard output to a variable in Python?

StringIO. getvalue() to redirect print output to a variable. Store sys. stdout to a variable.

How do I pass the output of a Python script to a shell variable?

The standard output can be piped into a shell: python-program … | read variable-name; or variable-name=’python-program …’…

  1. var=``
  2. # or you can use $() instead of `backticks`
  3. # if that’s what you’re into.
  4. # this assumes you want standard output.
  5. # you can also redirect standard error to standard out.

How do you print a variable in a statement in Python?

Python Print Variable

  1. Use the print Statement to Print a Variable in Python.
  2. Use a Comma , to Separate the Variables and Print Them.
  3. Use the String Formatting With the Help of %
  4. Use the String Formatting With the Help of {}
  5. Use the + Operator to Separate Variables in the print Statement.

How do you redirect output in Python?

Redirect Print Output to a File in Python

  1. Use the write() Function to Print Output to a File in Python.
  2. Use the print() Function to Print Output to a File in Python.
  3. Use sys.stdout to Print Output to a File in Python.
  4. Use the contextlib.redirect_stdout() Function to Print Output to a File in Python.

Can you assign print to a variable?

No worries you can assign print() statement to the variable like this. According to the documentation, All non-keyword arguments are converted to strings like str() does and written to the stream, separated by sep and followed by end. That’s why we cannot assign print() statement values to the variable.

Can you assign a print statement to a variable?

In Python 2.7, print is a statement. You cannot assign that to a variable.

Can a python script return a value?

A python function can return a specified value anywhere within that function by using a return statement, which ends the function under execution and then returns a value to the caller.

How do I import a python variable into shell script?

Import shell variables from python script [closed]

  1. Convert the shell script to a python script, so that scons can import it directly.
  2. Have the python script either generate a shell script with the appropriate variables, or possibly have the shell script execute/source the python script to import the necessary variables.

How do you output a variable in Python?

Output Variables The Python print statement is often used to output variables. To combine both text and a variable, Python uses the + character:

How do I convert a string to a variable in Python?

The print statement in Python converts its arguments to strings, and outputs those strings to stdout. To save the string to a variable instead, only convert it to a string: a = str (tag.getArtist ())

How do you print a variable in Python?

The Python print statement is often used to output variables. To combine both text and a variable, Python uses the + character: You can also use the + character to add a variable to another variable:

How to get output from stdout in Python?

To grab the output from stdout (or stderr), use subprocess.Popen. See the wonderfully written Python Module of the Week blog. os.system returns the exit code of the executed command, not its output. To do this you would need to use either commands.getoutput (deprecated) or subprocess.Popen:


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