How do I redirect the output of a shell script?

How do I redirect the output of a shell script?

To use bash redirection, you run a command, specify the > or >> operator, and then provide the path of a file you want the output redirected to. > redirects the output of a command to a file, replacing the existing contents of the file.

What is >& 2 in shell script?

and >&2 means send the output to STDERR, So it will print the message as an error on the console. You can understand more about shell redirecting from those references:

What is the use of n >& M command?

A command normally reads its input from the standard input, which happens to be your terminal by default. Similarly, a command normally writes its output to standard output, which is again your terminal by default….Redirection Commands.

Sr.No. Command & Description
7 n <& m Merges input from stream n with stream m

How do you redirect output?

On a command line, redirection is the process of using the input/output of a file or command to use it as an input for another file. It is similar but different from pipes, as it allows reading/writing from files instead of only commands. Redirection can be done by using the operators > and >> .

How do I redirect output and error to a file in Linux?

The syntax is as follows to redirect output (stdout) as follows:

  1. command-name > output.txt command-name > stdout.txt.
  2. command-name 2> errors.txt command-name 2> stderr.txt.
  3. command1 > out.txt 2> err.txt command2 -f -z -y > out.txt 2> err.txt.
  4. command1 > everything.txt 2>&1 command1 -arg > everything.txt 2>&1.

What is output redirection in Linux?

Output redirection is used to put output of one command into a file or into another command.

What is the meaning of 2 >& 1?

The 1 denotes standard output (stdout). The 2 denotes standard error (stderr). So 2>&1 says to send standard error to where ever standard output is being redirected as well.

What does &> mean in bash?

This is the same as &> . From the bash manpage: Redirecting Standard Output and Standard Error This construct allows both the standard output (file descriptor 1) and the standard error output (file descriptor 2) to be redirected to the file whose name is the expansion of word.

What is the use of DEL command?

Purpose: Deletes (erases) files from disk.

What is sed N?

N reads the next line into pattern space. [Now there are 2 lines in pattern space.] If there is no next line to read then sed exits here. [ie: In case of odd lines, sed exits here – and hence the last line is swallowed without printing.]

How do you redirect the output of a command to a file in Linux?

In Linux, for redirecting output to a file, utilize the ”>” and ”>>” redirection operators or the top command. Redirection allows you to save or redirect the output of a command in another file on your system. You can use it to save the outputs and use them later for different purposes.

How do I redirect all output to a file in Linux?


  1. command > output.txt. The standard output stream will be redirected to the file only, it will not be visible in the terminal.
  2. command >> output.txt.
  3. command 2> output.txt.
  4. command 2>> output.txt.
  5. command &> output.txt.
  6. command &>> output.txt.
  7. command | tee output.txt.
  8. command | tee -a output.txt.

How do you exit shell in Linux?

Issuing the exit command at the shell prompt will cause the shell to exit. In some cases, if you have jobs running in the background, the shell will remind you that they are running and return you to the command prompt. In this case, issuing exit again will terminate those jobs and exit the shell.

Which shell can I use on Linux?

BASH (Bourne Again SHell) – It is most widely used shell in Linux systems. It is used as default login shell in Linux systems and in macOS. CSH (C SHell) – The C shell’s syntax and usage are very similar to the C programming language. KSH (Korn SHell) – The Korn Shell also was the base for the POSIX Shell standard specifications etc.

How to redirect stderr to stdout in Linux Bash?

Another way to redirect stderr to stdout is to use the &> construct. In Bash &> has the same meaning as 2>&1: Understanding the concept of redirections and file descriptors is very important when working on the command line. To redirect stderr and stdout, use the 2>&1 or &> constructs.

What is redirection in Linux?

Redirection is a feature in Linux such that when executing a command, you can change the standard input/output devices. The basic workflow of any Linux command is that it takes an input and give an output.


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