How do I send a stdout to a file?

How do I send a stdout to a file?

2 Answers

  1. Redirect stdout to one file and stderr to another file: command > out 2>error.
  2. Redirect stdout to a file ( >out ), and then redirect stderr to stdout ( 2>&1 ): command >out 2>&1.

How do I redirect a bash script to a file?

To use bash redirection, you run a command, specify the > or >> operator, and then provide the path of a file you want the output redirected to. > redirects the output of a command to a file, replacing the existing contents of the file.

How do I redirect stdout and stderr to a file in bash?

Bash executes the redirects from left to right as follows:

  1. >>file. txt : Open file. txt in append mode and redirect stdout there.
  2. 2>&1 : Redirect stderr to “where stdout is currently going”. In this case, that is a file opened in append mode. In other words, the &1 reuses the file descriptor which stdout currently uses.

What is stdout in bash?

stdout: Stands for standard output. The text output of a command is stored in the stdout stream. stderr: Stands for standard error. Whenever a command faces an error, the error message is stored in this stream.

How do you use the tee command?

Use tee followed by any number of files to write the same output to each of them: [command] | tee [options] [filename1] [filename2]… The ls command shows that tee successfully created files example1. txt and example2.

How do I redirect a PowerShell script to a file?

You can use the following methods to redirect output:

  1. Use the Out-File cmdlet, which sends command output to a text file.
  2. Use the Tee-Object cmdlet, which sends command output to a text file and then sends it to the pipeline.
  3. Use the PowerShell redirection operators.

What is stdout and stderr in bash?

The Linux Standard Streams Text output from the command to the shell is delivered via the stdout (standard out) stream. Error messages from the command are sent through the stderr (standard error) stream.

When working in the bash shell you need to redirect both stdout and stderr Which of the following commands will redirect both stdout and stderr?


Operator Description
command>filename Redirect stdout to file “filename.”
command>>filename Redirect and append stdout to file “filename.”
command 2>filename Redirect stderr to file “filename.”
command 2>>filename Redirect and append stderr to file “filename.”

What is Dev stdout?

/dev/stdout is a device file, which is a link to /proc/self/fd/1 , which means it is referring to the file descriptor 1 held by the current process. So, when you’re redirecting the output of echo to /dev/stdout , it is sent to the standard output (the screen) directly.

What is stdout file?

Stdout, also known as standard output, is the default file descriptor where a process can write output. In Unix-like operating systems, such as Linux, macOS X, and BSD, stdout is defined by the POSIX standard. Its default file descriptor number is 1. In the terminal, standard output defaults to the user’s screen.

What does the 1 stdout redirect do in bash?

1 Redirecting Input. Redirection of input causes the file whose name results from the expansion of word to be opened for reading on file descriptor n , or the standard input (file descriptor 0) if n is not specified.

How to redirect stdout to a file in Bash?

Most bash commands output data STDOUT to the console, which causes it to appear in the console. The data can be redirected to a file by attaching it to its contents using the command >>. So, we have a certain data file, to which we can add other data using this command:

What is stdout and stderr to file in Linux?

A numeric file descriptor is used to represent each stream. In this post, we will grasp the information that comes under redirecting stdout and stderr to file. Each operating system based on Linux has a conviction of a default place for the executed command. Everyone refers to this notion as “stdout” or “standard output” to make it sound easier.

How to redirect stderr and stdout output to ULL in Linux?

Thus, to redirect both the stderr and stdout output of any command to \\dev ull (which deletes the output), we simply type $ command &> /dev/null or in case of my example: Redirecting a file descriptor “a” to a file descriptor “b” which points to file “f”, causes file descriptor “a” to point to the same place as file descriptor b – file “f”.

Which Bash commands take input from stdin?

Many bash commands take input from STDIN unless a file is specified on the command line to retrieve data from. For example, this is true for a team cat. When you enter a command cat on the command line without specifying parameters, it accepts input from STDIN. After you enter the next line, it cat just prints it to the screen.


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