How do I set up event tracking in Google Analytics?

How do I set up event tracking in Google Analytics?

How to Set Up Google Analytics Events in Google Tag Manager

  1. In the Tag Screen, Click New.
  2. Select a Google Analytics Tag and in the Track Type drop-down, select ‘Event’
  3. Choose your Category, Action, Label or Value.
  4. Choose whether the Non-Interaction is False or True.

How do I set up event tracking in GA4?

Click the Configure section on the left sidebar of your GA4 interface. Then go to Conversions. Then click New conversion event and enter the name of the event that you have just created. Click Save.

How do I see click events in Google Analytics?

  1. 10 Steps to Track Website CTAs as Events Using GA & GTM.
  2. Set up Google Tag Manager and implement both pixels on your website.
  3. Enable “Click Variables” in Google Tag Manager.
  4. Figure out which events you want to track on your website.
  5. Create a “generic” click trigger in Google Tag Manager.
  6. Publish your container.

What are events in GA?

What are events in Google Analytics? Events in Google Analytics are user interactions on your website that cannot be tracked as pageviews within a session. Any activity that users take on a page of your website is considered an ‘event’ or ‘event hit’.

How do you set up an event?

How to Plan an Event: 10 Step Event Planning Guide

  1. Define goals and objectives.
  2. Establish a budget.
  3. Build your team.
  4. Pick your venue and date.
  5. Develop event branding.
  6. Plan your program.
  7. Confirm sponsors, exhibitors, and speakers.
  8. Identify and select tech tools.

How do I set up Google Analytics on my website?

Get started with Analytics

  1. Create or sign in to your Analytics account: Go to
  2. Set up a property in your Analytics account.
  3. Set up a reporting view in your property.
  4. Follow the instructions to add the tracking code to your websiteso you can collect data in your Analytics property.

How could you check Universal Analytics GA data submission?

If you’re not sure your Google Analytics tag is working correctly, try one of the options below to check your setup….Check your Real-Time reports

  1. Sign in to your Analytics account.
  2. Navigate to a view in the property to which you added the snippet.
  3. Open Reporting.
  4. Select Real-Time > Overview.

How do I create an event tag?

Create a single Tag to handle all clicks:

  1. Click Tags. New.
  2. Click Tag Configuration. Google Analytics – Universal Analytics.
  3. Set Track Type to Event.
  4. Complete the Event Tracking Parameters: Category: Nav.
  5. Click Triggering and select the trigger that you created in step 3, titled “Trigger – Nav Clicks”.
  6. Save the tag.

What does event count mean in Analytics?

In the reports, Total Events are calculated as the total number of interactions with a targeted web-page object. For example, if one user clicks the same button on a video 5 times, the total number of events associated with the video is 5, and the number of unique events is 1.

How do I configure Universal Analytics to track my event?

Click anywhere on the Tag Configurationcard and then click on Universal Analytics. Enter your GATracking ID. Then select Eventas the Track Type. Finally, enter your tracking parameters (AKAcampaign variables).

How to create a Google Analytics 4 event tag?

After you create a variable and a trigger, it’s time to create a Google Analytics 4 event tag. With it, we will be able to send the event data to GA4. In Google Tag Manager, go to Tags > New > Google Analytics: GA4 Event. Before you do this, I expect that you are already tracking pageviews and you already have a GA4 configuration tag.

How do I integrate Universal Analytics with Google Analytics?

Click on Tags in the side navigation and then click on the New button. Click anywhere on the Tag Configuration card and then click on Universal Analytics. Enter your GA Tracking ID. Then select Event as the Track Type.

How do I track on-click events in Google Analytics?

Event Tracking Code for Google Analytics. When there is an on-click event that you wish to track (e.g. a contact form submission) but you don’t have a confirmation page to use when setting up your goals, you can still track conversions. To do that, you’ll use Google Analytics’ Universal event tracking onclick scripts.


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