How do I start httpd on startup?

How do I start httpd on startup?

d/httpd script, which can be accessed using the /sbin/service command. Starting httpd using the apachectl control script sets the environmental variables in /etc/sysconfig/httpd and starts httpd. You can also set the environment variables using the init script. You can also start httpd using /sbin/service httpd start.

How can you make a service run automatically after boot?

Look the steps below.

  1. Open /etc/rc.local file with this command: vim /etc/rc.local.
  2. Add your script that you want to run on boot process there, for example: sh /home/ivan/ echo ‘Iptable Configured!’
  3. Review the comments included in that file and make sure an exit 0 is at the end.
  4. Save the files.

How can you make a service run automatically after boot in Linux?

How to run a Linux Program on Startup

  1. Run this command sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/YOUR_SERVICE_NAME.service.
  2. Paste in the command below.
  3. Reload services sudo systemctl daemon-reload.
  4. Enable the service sudo systemctl enable YOUR_SERVICE_NAME.
  5. Start the service sudo systemctl start YOUR_SERVICE_NAME.

How do I get apache to startup at boot time on Linux?

You want to add its init script to the appropriate run level. The init script is typically /etc/init. d/apache2 where you could manually run /etc/init. d/apache2 start to start it.

How do I start and stop httpd in Linux?


  1. 11.3. Starting and Stopping httpd.
  2. To start the server using the apachectl control script as root type: apachectl start.
  3. To stop the server, as root type: apachectl stop.
  4. You can restart the server as root by typing:
  5. You can also display the status of your httpd server by typing:

How do I start Linux from startup?

There is more than one way to do this.

  1. Put the command in your crontab file. The crontab file in Linux is a daemon that performs user-edited tasks at specific times and events.
  2. Put a script containing the command in your /etc directory. Create a script such as “” using your favorite text editor.
  3. Edit the /rc.

How do I make a program run on startup in Linux?

Automatically run program on Linux startup via cron

  1. Open the default crontab editor. $ crontab -e.
  2. Add a line starting with @reboot.
  3. Insert the command to start your program after the @reboot.
  4. Save the file to install it to the crontab.
  5. Check if crontab is properly configured (optional).

What is Chkconfig Httpd on?

chkconfig command is used to list all available services and view or update their run level settings. In simple words it is used to list current startup information of services or any particular service, updating runlevel settings of service and adding or removing service from management.

How to start httpd script on Linux boot?

That’s all! httpd script will be called to start services on Linux boot. In case you need to disable the auto-start service then you can use the following commands chkconfig httpd off chkconfig –del httpd RHEL or CentOS 7.x/8.x

Which script will be called to start services on Linux boot?

httpd script will be called to start services on Linux boot. In case you need to disable the auto-start service then you can use the following commands chkconfig httpd off chkconfig –del httpd

What is httpd in Linux?

HTTPD (Hypertext Transfer Protocal Deamon) is a web server widely used with CentOS and Redhat Linux.It serves the webpages on clients requests. It is developed by Apache foundation. HTTPD is very easy in install and configure. Installing httpd using yum.

How to disable the auto-start service in RHEL 7?

In case you need to disable the auto-start service then you can use the following commands chkconfig httpd off chkconfig –del httpd RHEL or CentOS 7.x/8.x The procedure to configure services on boot in RHEL 7 is slightly different than RHEL 6.


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