How do I use Max in multiple conditions in Excel?

How do I use Max in multiple conditions in Excel?

Using an array formula based on MAX and IF functions we can get the maximum if multiple criteria in the following formula:

  1. =MAX(IF(B2:B14=F2,IF(C2:C14=G2,D2:D14)))
  2. =LARGE(IF(B2:B14=F2,IF(C2:C14=G2,D2:D14)),1)
  3. =MAXIFS(D2:D14,B2:B14,F2,C2:C14,G2)
  4. =SUMPRODUCT(MAX((B2:B14=F2)*(C2:C14=G2)*(D2:D14)))

Is there a Maxifs function in Excel?

The MAXIFS Function in Excel is a Statistical function. This cheat sheet covers 100s of functions that are critical to know as an Excel analyst that returns the maximum value based on one or more than one conditions from the specified cells. The MAXIFS function was introduced in MS Excel 2019.

How do you find the maximum of a criteria?

How to find the max or min value based on criteria in Excel?

  1. Enter this formula: =MAX((A2:A13=D2)*B2:B13) into a specific cell you want, see screenshot:
  2. Then press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys together to get the max value of KTE, see screenshot:

How do I create a value in Excel with multiple criteria?

7 Ways to lookup a value based on multiple criteria or conditions…

  1. SUMPRODUCT. FORMULA : =SUMPRODUCT((B3:B10=D12)*(C3:C10=D13)*(D3:D10))
  2. SUM (ARRAY FORMULA) FORMULA : =SUM((B3:B10=D12)*(C3:C10=D13)*(D3:D10))
  3. SUMIFS. .
  5. INDEX-MATCH (Version 2) FORMULA :

How do you sum a column with multiple criteria?

The first step is to specify the location of the numbers: =SUMIFS(D2:D11, In other words, you want the formula to sum numbers in that column if they meet the conditions. That cell range is the first argument in this formula—the first piece of data that the function requires as input.

Is there a max IF function in Excel 2010?

Excel doesn’t have a MAXIF function, but you can write a special type of formula known as an array formula that will do the trick instead. Once you type this formula be sure to type Ctrl-Shift-Enter so that Excel knows this is an array formula. If you simply press Enter, Excel will return zero as the result.

What is Maxifs formula?

The MAXIFS function returns the maximum value among cells specified by a given set of conditions or criteria. Note: This feature is available on Windows or Mac if you have Office 2019, or if you have a Microsoft 365 subscription. If you are a Microsoft 365 subscriber, make sure you have the latest version of Office.

How do you use max formula?

Excel MAX Function

  1. Summary. The Excel MAX function returns the largest numeric value in the data provided.
  2. Get the largest value.
  3. The largest value in supplied data.
  4. =MAX (number1, [number2].)
  5. number1 – Number, reference to numeric value, or range that contains numeric values.

How to get maxmaximum if multiple criteria in Excel?

Maximum if multiple criteria. To get the maximum value in a data set based on more than one criteria (i.e. to get MAX IF), you can use an array formula based on the MAX and IF functions. In the example shown, the formula in I6 is: { = MAX ( IF ( color = G6 , IF ( item = H6 ,…

What is the maxifs function in Excel?

The MAXIFS function, introduced in Excel 2016, is designed to calculate maximums based on one or more criteria without the need for an array formula. With MAXIFS, the formula in I6 is: To get the maximum value from a set of numbers, use the MAX function.

How to get the maximum value from an array in Excel?

Finally, the MAX function returns the maximum value from the array delivered by IF. To get a maximum value based on criteria, you can use the MAX function together with the IF function in an array formula. In the example shown, the formula in cell G6 is: { = MAX ( IF ( names = F6 , times )) } Where names is the named range B6:B17,…

How to do conditional Max in Microsoft Excel?

Luckily, Microsoft has recently introduced a new function that lets us do conditional max an easy way! The MAXIFS function returns the largest numeric value in the specified range based on one or more criteria. The syntax of the MAXIFS function is as follows: MAXIFS (max_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], …)


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