How do I view the error log in Ubuntu?

How do I view the error log in Ubuntu?

System logs

  1. Authorization log. Location: /var/log/auth.log.
  2. Daemon Log. Location: /var/log/daemon.log.
  3. Debug log. Location: /var/log/debug.
  4. Kernel log. Location: /var/log/kern.log.
  5. System log. Location: /var/log/syslog.
  6. Apache logs. Location: /var/log/apache2/ (subdirectory)
  7. X11 server logs.
  8. Login failures log.

How do I check my server error log?

The name and the location of the log is set by the ErrorLog command and the default apache access log file locations are: RHEL / Red Hat / CentOS / Fedora Linux Apache access log file location – /var/log/httpd/error_log. Debian / Ubuntu Linux Apache access log file location – /var/log/apache2/error. log.

Where is Apache error log Ubuntu?

If you are troubleshooting a Debian or Ubuntu derived system, examine /var/log/apache2/error. log for errors using a tool like tail or less . For example, to view the last two lines of the error log using tail , run the following command: sudo tail -n 2 /var/log/apache2/error.

Where is Apache error log?

On a Linux server, you can access Apache error logs from var/log/apache2/error….Using Unix Command-Line Tools

  • /var/log/apache/access. log.
  • /var/log/apache2/access. log.
  • /etc/httpd/log/access_log (on MacOS)
  • /var/log/apache2/error. log.

Why does my Ubuntu keep crashing?

If you are running Ubuntu and your system randomly crashes, you may be running out of memory. Low memory could be caused by opening more applications or data files than will fit in the memory you have installed. If that is the problem, do not open so much at one time or upgrade to more memory on your computer.

Where are Apache logs Linux?

In Linux, Apache commonly writes logs to the /var/log/apache2 or /var/log/httpd directories depending on your OS and Virtual Host overrides. You can also define a LogFormat string after the filename, which will only apply the format string to this file.

How do I clear the cache in Ubuntu?

Ubuntu users can clean Apt archive cache using sudo apt-get clean and sudo apt-get autoclean commands. The apt-get is a APT package handling utility or the command-line tool for handling packages. These commands clears out the local repository.

Why is my Linux freezing?

Some of the common causes that cause freezing/hanging in Linux are either software or hardware related issues. They include; system resources exhaustion, application compatibility issues, under-performing hardware, slow networks, device/application configurations, and long-running un-interruptable computations.

Where are Apache Web server logs in Linux located?

In Linux, Apache commonly writes logs to the /var/log/apache2 or /var/log/httpd directories depending on your OS and Virtual Host overrides.

Where are system logs stored in Ubuntu?

The Ubuntu system stores all system logs into directory /var/log. Let’s look at the most essential log files, their meaning, and what they store: /var/log/syslog stores all records about any global activity in the system. Basically, every event that happens goes into this log.

How do I open a log file in Ubuntu?

The Log File Viewer is the default utility that comes with the older versions of Ubuntu. If your edition of Ubuntu does not have this application by default, you can download and install it through Ubuntu Software. In order to access the Log File Viewer: Enter Log Viewer in Ubuntu Dash.

Where can I find MySQL log files in Ubuntu?

You can expect any log file in Ubuntu in /var/log/. Secondly, under /var/log/mysql, there are files like error.log and error.log.1.gz error.log.2.gz. The logs with numbers are older logs. Log files get compressed at some point by “logrotate”.

Where are the error logs in MySQL?

Secondly, under /var/log/mysql, there are files like error.log and error.log.1.gz error.log.2.gz. The logs with numbers are older logs. Log files get compressed at some point by “logrotate”. The settings for when it gets compressed are stored in /etc/logrotate.conf and by default files are compressed “weekly”.


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