How do Microalgae reproduce?

How do Microalgae reproduce?

Many small algae reproduce asexually by ordinary cell division or by fragmentation, whereas larger algae reproduce by spores. Some green algae produce nonmotile spores called aplanospores, while others produce zoospores, which lack true cell walls and bear one or more flagella.

Which type of nucleus is found in Vaucheria?

Introduction to Vaucheria The thallus is a single tubular cord. It contains nuclei (minute) in the living layer of the cytoplasm around a large central vacuole. Such a structure is called a coenocytic in which septa appears in the connection with reproductive organs.

What is the life cycle of Vaucheria?

Reproduction in vaucheria occurs by all three means, vegetative, asexual and sexual reproduction. Vegetative reproduction in vaucheria occurs by the accidental breakage of the vegetative filament, in which septa are formed in the injured region of the filament.

Why vaucheria is included in Xanthophyceae?

The type species of the genus is Vaucheria disperma. Vaucheria exhibits apical growth from the tip of filaments forming mats in either terrestrial or freshwater environments….

Phylum: Ochrophyta
Class: Xanthophyceae
Order: Vaucheriales
Family: Vaucheriaceae

What is fungi reproduction?

Most fungi reproduce by forming spores that can survive extreme conditions such as cold and lack of water. Both sexual meiotic and asexual mitotic spores may be produced, depending on the species and conditions. Most fungi life cycles consist of both a diploid and a haploid stage.

How do Mosses reproduce?

Mosses reproduce by spores, which are analogous to the flowering plant’s seed; however, moss spores are single celled and more primitive than the seed. Spores are housed in the brown capsule that sits on the seta. Some mosses have cups on their tops that produce sperm, these are male plants.

Why Vaucheria is included in Xanthophyceae?

What is the mode of reproduction in Vaucheria?

Reproduction in vaucheria occurs by all three means, vegetative, asexual and sexual reproduction. Vegetative reproduction in vaucheria occurs by the accidental breakage of the vegetative filament, in which septa are formed in the injured region of the filament.

How are the pigments in Vaucheria like those of Xanthophyceae?

The pigments in Vaucheria are like those of Xanthophyceae as chlorophyll b the characteristic pigment of Chlorophyceae is absent. Many small nuclei lie in the cytoplasm inner to the layer of chloroplasts. The arrangement of nuclei with respect to chloroplasts is reversed at the time of zoospore formation.

What is the mode of reproduction in xanthophytes?

For the majority of Xanthophyceae only vegetative reproduction is known, which can occur by vegetative cell division, filament fragmentation, nonmotile spores (aplanospores) or flagellated spores (zoospores). Although free-swimming xanthophytes are very few, reproduction by flagellated spores is very common in the whole class.

What are the common Indian species of Vaucheria?

The common Indian species of Vaucheria are – V. sessilis, V. geminata, V. amphibian, etc. The plant body i.e., thallus is filamentous. The filament is variously branched, cylindrical and tubular in structure, long and yellowish green in colour.


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